[i]"If you two want to take first watch, then go ahead. Wake me or the others when you need to. Don't over exert yourselves. Getting to exausted may prove fatal in some way. As for your other questions, there are few answers I can give you. For where we are, I cannot say, why we are here, is also unknown to us, however the circles, I may be able to explain. Circles like that are usually used in rituals of sorts, so we were likely summoned here. The runes on them look a little familiar, but I don't quite recognize them. Perhaps if I spent some more time to examine them, I might be able to figure something out. Why we are all from different parts of the world may also be explainable. Because of where we're from, we all have different skills. Sasha has great physical strength. I have extensive intellect, you said you can hunt, giving you a survival advantage. But, unfortunately, I cannot say for certain. This is just my theory. But I hope that explains the current situation enough."[/i] And with that, Ysran laid back on the ground next to the fire. He'd slept in worse places. Like that one time he got stuck on a chunk of rock on the middle of a river in Brazil. Heh, good times. The fire was definitely warm enough. He'd likely be fine. [i]"Well, I'm off to bed. If you have anymore questions, you should probably ask now."[/i]