Thus the reason I had asked about the two of them together ^-^ Though he will try Avina, and I can't say some of it might be because she is with Devin. Awe that's sweet, that the wolf has already accepted him, so that was why it didn't let Avina turn and run the night before. He is already submissive to her in a way. Though if her wolf takes over fully when they fight this time he will be totally submissive towards the wolf. He always was the submissive second (other than to his maker). Besides if she can command this Marrok I have no doubt she can command him. Oh -breaths sigh of relief- I didn't think Brice would honestly, but then I thought about the fact that the Marrok had, had him before. Haha yeah I think I read what you said wrong. Hmm well that's a shame...I know! No more hints for you =P