I agree with that it was so much funner with how Devin and Avina weren't forced. So I like the idea of them becoming friends as he is pining after Avina. And it can be natural. Really? An actual alpha command? I actually agree with that, Devin doesn't like control, it makes him things that he normally wouldn't when someone isn't a bit in control of him. Not always good things. Seeing her alpha command him, will be fun. Though that alpha command differently if you haven't noticed. They grab the back of the neck, not the front because they don't need to breathe but the back of the neck has nerves. I can see a problem brewing with Devin and Brice already. Though the fact they both are/were second might have something to do with it. Seeing that Brice used to be dominate, I kinda want them to maybe fight at some point. I think they would match each other in a fight. Okay that;s good! But...but.....fine =P I won't take away the hints. I just won't give as good of ones lol. I'm tried too :/