[center][b][u]Hansel - Fairytale Land[/u][/b][/center] Revving his chainsaw, Hansel grumbled on about something do with how he didn't bloody care if the Aveana was a little chilly in her room and how she's got magic so she should just conjure up her own damn wood. Despite his displeasure, he continued to work; it was better than the death that would surely follow if he didn't comply, though, sometimes it didn't seem that way. However, any time away from the castle was a good time. Once the tree fell, Hansel paused to take a swig of the small canteen of whiskey that hung from his hip. It was encased in a brown leather pouch with the seal of the kingdom on it, and while he loved whisky, the Enchantress's crest on it was like a taunt of her power over him. The thought only made him crave the drink more so the burning sensation in the back of this throat as it went down was a familiar and welcome feeling. Capping the canteen, he picked up his chainsaw and went back to work cutting it into manageable pieces. In almost no time at all, he had the wood loaded it into the bed of the pick up truck they let him use. Sliding into the car, Hansel cursed the Enchantress for living so far away from vegetation. She just had to live across a monstrous platform several hundred feet in the sky. He knew she could just as easily have gotten more wood for herself, but she's so sadistic that she knew somebody had to go out in this weather to get it for her. Lucky for him, however, he'd never had to deal with her much face to face despite the face that he'd lived there for the past 16 years. It was reminders like that, that made him thankful for being the errand boy of a servant. He truly felt sorry for the poor blokes who had to deal with her on a daily basis. [center][b][u]Drizella - Fairytale Land[/u][/b][/center] The empty feeling in her stomach didn't bother Drizella much as she sat at her vanity, admiring her own face. Gustan was a fool. How could he not be interested in such a picture of perfection? It's not like [i]he[/i] was a real catch! He was loud and brutish and completely self-obsessed! He was [i]no[/i] Prince Charming. While Drizella knew better than anyone that this was all true, she also knew he was devilishly handsome, extremely wealthy, and, most importantly, a prince! Leaning her hand on her fist, the brunette sighed. What did she have to do to get through to him? How could she make him see that she was the one he's been searching for? Or perhaps...that's it! She's going to become the one he's searching for. Who cares if he doesn't fall for 'the real' her? As long as he's rich everything's fine because everyone knows the real power in this world isn't magic. It's money! Dr. Facilier taught her that. However, there's a problem. What is Gustan looking for? Perfection is right here! What more could he want? Drizella mulled this question over as she touched up her makeup, applying generous amounts of green eye shadow to match her new green and gold dress. It was her new favorite because not only was it her two favorite colors (green for money and gold for, well, you know, gold) it also showed off her tiny waist. As a final touch, she added a gold hair bow to match her dress and shoes. It was perfect! Thankfully, his father extended an invitation to her family to stay in their castle for a while, which meant that Drizella had 24/7 access to the prince. Now all she had to do was pack!