Ahhh, no worries. If you have any questions, I can probably answer them.
I am doing things as by Canadian law as well:
Handguns, short barreled rifles and shotguns are "restricted" and are only allowed to be used at a range (Including all AR-15 variants. Meaning, anyone going into the woods with an AR-15, a handgun, or any other "restricted" firearm, would likely get it confiscated if it were to be found.)
AK variants, and a bunch of other common "military derived" rifles, anything automatic, etc, are Prohibited.
And any center fire, semi-automatic rifle is legally limited to a 5 round magazine capacity. Semi-automatic, center fire pistols are limited to 10 (This forms a "loop hole" where a magazine built, designed, and intended for use in a pistol, can be used in a rifle if that rifle can accept those magazines; Pistol caliber carbines for example, and there are a few AR-15 pistols, get their magazine, and you can use it in an AR-15.) Bolt action rifles are exempt, thus a rifle like the Lee-Enfiled can have it's legal 10 round magazine capacity. However, most magazines in Canada are simply "blocked" in some way to 10 or 5 rounds, either through a rivet that blocks the follower, or through a block in the base of the magazine.