
For the most part, by the time Sieg had started speaking to her she had already left the room. She really, really, hated that guy. If it was for Tsumiki, she'd have already showed him how to make bacon out of giant lizard. Besides, wasn't like anything intelligent ever came out of the guys mouth that deserved to be listened too...[i]probably[/i]. She did catch some comment about her 'ranting' about her being a horrible person. Ha! No, that wasn't ranting, that was a fact. She was objectively a terrible person. No way around it - just like the rest of humans.

Annoying, foolish, and greedy little creatures. The lot of them, and she wasn't any better. Her history proved that. Reality was a bitch, wasn't it?

...though thinking of herself and Sieg as the same thing sort of irritated her. She started mashing the button on the handheld device a bit harder. Yeah, being the same as Sieg really wasn't something she wanted to be at all. By the time Ryuunosuke showed up, the Kitsune was aggressively mashing the button and glaring at the screen as if the poor device had somehow insulted her.

[b][i]"Oi, angel-face, this the Animal Appreciation Club? I got some documents that need signing, pronto. . ."[/i][/b]

At the greeting, Kohana calmly pressed the button once more before taking a deep breath. Tsumiki would have her fluffy tails mounted over the fire place if she picked a fight with a random human. Angel face, though? That was likely an insult, considering her not exactly glamorous appearance. The expression he was wearing when she looked up after tucking the handheld back into her coat pocket definitely was one of aggression. She could tell - she wore the same expression pretty often. The fact he also commented on the fact she was a devil, also meant that he was looking for a fight.

How tiring. She didn't mind a fight, but she didn't want to get in trouble and she wasn't feeling very...up for it.

[color=orange]"I go to school here, duh. Not to bright, are you?"[/color] She replied with a slightly annoyed expression. She honestly didn't want to deal with him. She had a few other things she'd want to do...so she'd let one of the others take care of him. It might even be funny. She reached out, taking the papers from Ryuunosuke. [color=orange]"I'll uh, make sure they get to who they need too."[/color] Had she seen him somewhere before? She didn't think so, but if he went to school here for a few years, it was a wonder she hadn't run across him before considering her not exactly upstanding history. 

[color=orange]"Sorry to be a killjoy, but boss man would be cross with me if I picked a fight with a human."[/color] No sense in hiding it since he obviously knew. She wasn't just being lazy, really! [color=orange]"Buuut,"[/color] An impish smile formed on Kohana's lips as she continued. Hey, maybe she could get some entertainment out of this. [color=orange]"If you head inside and ask for 'A smelly, perverted, overgrown lizard who smells of disappointment and failure' I'm pretty sure you could get a fight out of him."[/color]