[center][color=1a7b30][h2]Aleph Banton[/h2][/color]

[b][color=1a7b30]"A small hiatus is nothing to me!"[/color][/b][/center]
[center][@Lucius Cypher][@Lunarlors34][/center]
As was tradition among heroes finishing a battle, Aleph sheathed his blade in a very exaggerated manner, spinning it a few times in the process. There was no longer any trace of vicious rabbits left, so at least for the moment the village was safe. That being said, he knew that killing a few bunnies was not the only thing that would be asked of them. Not that it mattered if there was more to do -- A hero should always help those in need! 

[b]"I assume you know what you're doing?"[/b] a familiar voice asked Malakus. [b]"I believe an indepth explanation is in order."[/b]

Despite her best efforts, Vesta's inquiry did not go unnoticed by Aleph. It was likely because there was no "effort" put into hiding the question from Aleph's ears, but it sounded a lot cooler to the Hero if he pretended like he heard it when there was an attempt to keep it secret. 

[b]"Boy wants to be a hero. Instead of letting him pick fights with demons in his head, I brought him out here to fight actual demons in front of him. Don't worry Master Celestia, I still remember his actions. This way I can keep an eye on him in case he gets overzealous, and ideally make that fanaticism useful."[/b] Malakus answered. 

How rude. Did these people believe being a hero was some sort of joke? It wasn't. Being a hero was... well, most certainly a delusion that Aleph became aware of after a certain morning just before he set off with this group, but still... he wasn't capable of coping with his uselessness without being Aleph the Hero! How dare they try to take that from him! 

[color=1a7b30]"Ahem!"[/color] Aleph cleared his throat loudly before inserting himself into the conversation, focusing on Vesta. [color=1a7b30]"It is nothing out of the norm to take a hero of my caliber along when performing a noble deed such as saving a village from beasts."[/color] Aleph narrowed his eyes before continuing [color=1a7b30]"If you're going to worry about something, then shouldn't you direct that worry towards your companions? The big guy is with you, is he not?"[/color]

[center][color=92278f][h2]Heinrich Ford[/h2][/color]

[b][color=92278f]"I cannot allow my weakness to cause others difficulties... not anymore."[/color][/b][/center]

Heinrich had survived the battle, but only barely. If he were alone, then he would have died to some feral rabbits. A rather pathetic way to bite the dust. He couldn't help but feel upset at his powerlessness. Playing many games back on Earth, he had filled the shoes of countless JRPG protagonists whom could easily wipe away millions of those little shits without breaking a sweat. But the real him? Even with this stupid, sexy body of his he couldn't survive on his own. He felt like all those insults girls had thrown at him in high school were on the dot. This was one of the reasons he preferred to avoid interacting with people. 

He wanted to sigh, but it never happened. Instead, he figured he would regroup with Vesta and company and see what would be asked of them next. Were there more beasts to be slain? He would find out soon, but he came upon the woman as she was speaking to the "party leader" and as the man who had saved him earlier began to get on her case. Heinrich's own incompetence was at fault here, not Vesta, so he felt he should speak up. The large, fabulous man quickly answered Aleph. [color=92278f]"It is my own fault for being weak. I asked to tag along despite lacking any experience and do not expect to be looked after like a child, though I am still grateful for the assistance. I am wholly responsible for myself."[/color]

The man who saved him offered a kind smile. [color=1a7b30]"Strength to admit your weakness is the key to becoming stronger as a person."[/color] he told Heinrich, patting him on the shoulder. Not knowing Aleph, he was unaware how silly this probably sounded coming from him. 

Aleph presumably was no longer interested in interacting with Vesta or the group and thus took his leave.