This world was a strange place, Earth. In some ways, it was completely unlike any of the worlds the souls had been on before. in some ways, everything was alive. Animals, plants, water,the air and earth itself. They strive to understand it, yet the Earth's very existence is not to be understood. Generations of humans had tried and failed for many years. Perhaps that was the secret of life. In any case, the humans themselves were something else that the Souls had never experienced before. More emotional, vivid, then any of their other hosts, they were inevitably changed by their encounters with humans, a somewhat violent race that had nevertheless survived for centuries and more. They were unprepared for the resistance the Humans showed. Pockets of rebels built as more and more humans became aware of what was happening. Groups of humans strive to survive in a world that would have them erased. Never had a world showed such resistance, such need to survive and be free. The souls were unprepared. They were unprepared for the strong bonds the humans shared, unprepared for their comprilling emotions. And yet, they grew to love the planet, and wanted it for themselves as the humans did. For She Who Gazes Upon The Stars, the bond of human friendship and love was too strong, and she had followed her Hosts, Jessie's, heart, leading her to Danny, who did not have a soul in him. Stars, as Danny prefered to call her, had worked hard to get the humans he was with to trust her, but eventually she was driven out. Unable to lose his friend, Danny had followed. And Stars had been relieved. They travelled together, trying to stay out of sight, and survive. It was currently a summer night in the desert. It grew quite cool, despite the heat in the days. They risked a fire, to cook the meat they had caught, bottles of water beside them. Danny winced at the smoke that drifted up, but Stars had no fears.