[b][center][h1][color=a0410d]Vesta Celestia[/color] and [color=ed1c24]Avery Ackbar Celestia[/color][/h1][/center][/b]
[@FamishedPants][@demonspade64][@Lucius Cypher][@noodles][@Letter Bee][@Sir Lurksalot]
Vesta half-listened to what Malakus had to say while she stared off absently up into the sky. It didn't mean that she didn't hear everything he had to say, on the contrary she heard every word. But she didn't seem too interested in the explanation she had asked for and which he was giving to her, almost as if distracted by something else.
Ignoring Alexanders unneeded response to her inquires about the physical health of the group, she instead chose to nod briefly towards Malakus to signal her understanding.
[color=a0410d]"I see. Wise choice it would be then, last thing we needed was him to stir up some more trouble."[/color] Vesta wasn't going to deny that Aleph certainly seemed more than capable in a fight, probably more than she gives him credit for, but so long as he behaved himself Vesta couldn't care less about him being here.
Vesta went to make her way towards the village with Malakus before Aleph decided to butt into their conversation. How indecent of him, she knew this boy had no common sense or manners but this was just annoying now.
After listening to what Aleph had to say, Vesta couldn't help but crack a smile. He really was a disillusioned maniac.
[color=a0410d]"A [i]hero[/i] of any worthwhile caliber would also have a sense of decency, politeness and manners about him. You have none of these traits, so I highly doubt that your caliber is higher than that of a common brigand."[/color] Vesta shot back at him, her eyes narrowing at the comment of having her worries misplaced. Her companions were of a higher caliber, as this boy so nicely put, than this 'hero'. There was no need to worry over them like a mother over her children.

As Aleph gave Heinrich a few parting words, Vesta now turned to face the larger man.
[color=a0410d]"It is quite alright Heinrich. Pay no heed to that delusional moron. His bark is far worse than his bite."[/color] Vesta gestured to Avery, the deceptively feminine boy rushing over without a second thought.
[color=a0410d]"Avery, I require you to get the protective crystals out of the carriage and to ask Shiro where the barrier is it's weakest. Before we can replace the broken ones, we need to strengthen the ones that still function to at least keep back any large force of demons. I will also require you to place some presence detection crystals around the town. They should give us ample warning to at least cut down on the causalities in case of an attack. You and your abilities should be able to get this job done in no time."[/color] Vesta briskly explained before sending her attendant off to do her bidding.
[color=a0410d]"Heinrich. I will require you to accompany me to the village where we will need to devise a plan of Malakus, assuming he hasn't already thought of one of close."[/color] With that said, she went to follow after Malakus.

As soon as Avery had left Vesta, he had made a beeline for where the carriage had gone towards the village. Once he caught up he enter the carriage and rummage around a bit in the bags that he and Vesta had brought along, making sure to grab a dozen or so of each crystal. He was sure that would be enough.
Hopping out of the cart, he now closed his eyes and began to concentrate. A blurry image soon began to form in his mind. That of a bird. It's wingspan...that of an 82...no 83cm wingspan. Only a small bird at that. It is dark slate-blue above with a dark head. It has a white or creamy brown forehead, throat and side of the neck. The underside is brown. The bill is a blue-grey colour with a black tip.
Once the image was clear in his mind, the crystal atop the staff began to glow before emitting a strange, glitter-like substance. The magic he had placed in the staff before now took the shape of a small bird matching the exact description of the image he had imagined.
Handing a crystal to the bird, it soon took off at a lightning pace before he exhaled deeply. As per usual, summoning something he could barely remember was a real chore. Oh well, he needed another one to get this job done quicker.
So close his eyes he went about his business once more.