[b]Name:[/b] Christopher Menenza [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs50/f/2009/276/7/3/73baa972ee114f3f2396a3c84ad63af2.png] [b]Region of Origin:[/b] Kalos [b]City of Origin:[/b] Shalour City [b]History:[/b] Christopher's father was an esteemed trainer in his days. As such, the boy grew up with the dream of becoming a trainer just like his father. His father, Jonathon Menenza, gave him his first Pokémon, his Golett. Though, this was actually years before Chris even began his journey as a trainer, and thus the two bonded quite well. His Golett had become more like a close friend than anything else. The beginning of his journey was a rocky one. For starters, his mother wanted him to get a good education and find a stable living. This was the main problem until one day, while Jonathon was out of town, a pack of wild Poochyena and a Mighteyena raided the Menenza home. Chris and his Golett saved the day, beating the pack back to the forest. His mother changed her mind about being a trainer. Now on his journey, the young Chris fought several trainers on his way to his first Gym. His bond with Golett was strong, and their will was indomitable. However, the Gym proved to be a whole new kind of challenge. By a thin margin, Chris earned his first Gym badge, using only his Golett. This got him noticed by the esteemed Professor Sycamore, who challenged Chris himself. As his win streak so far dictated, Chris won the brief battle. In return, Sycamore gave him a Squirtle to raise. Now the party was up to two. Chris continued his journey, gaining three more badges and a Starly along the way. Both his Squirtle and his Starly evolved while fighting the fourth Gym Leader, and Chris felt more confident than ever. He felt proud of his no-loss record, and had bonded with his Pokémon quite well. After this, he returned home to find his mother had a Pokémon of her own: a Jigglypuff. Though the Jigglypuff's purpose was to serve as a sort of guard dog for the house, Chris decided she wouldn't be very good at it. Not yet, as he said. Later that day, his father returned from the Unova region. Which was perfect timing for his mother as Chris took Jigglypuff to train it. Merely two days later, Chris's parents received a letter from the Orre Battle Academy inviting Chris to join. Elated that her son could follow his dream [I]and[/I] get an education, she called Chris home before he could reach the next Gym and gave him the letter. With excitement in his heart and determination in his eyes, Chris decided to attend this school. Now, he was one step closer to his new dream: becoming a Champion. [b]Personality:[/b] Christopher is rather outgoing, and always prefers to be called "Chris." Despite being rather friendly, he has no real desire to make friends. After all, he just seems to make friends as he goes anyways so he doesn't really need to try. His Pokémon are always pleasant company and he tries to keep them out of their Pokeballs as often as possible. Though he loves battling, as it is certainly his favorite thing, he also enjoys just spending time with his Pokémon or even the company of any friends. Perhaps to little surprise, all the energy he puts into training and battling makes him a hungry kid. If he ever has anything to complain about, its that he is hungry. Despite his upbeat attitude and quick responses to challenges, he is surprisingly knowledgeable about Pokémon and uses that to his advantage. Not to say his overall intelligence is high, as he can actually be quite silly or moronic at times. But all in all, if whatever is happening can affect his goal to become a Champion, he will find his way through it and come out on the other side as one step closer. [b]Battle Theme:[/b] [youtube]w9Wp8yAZ66g[/youtube] Species: Golett Nickname: N/A Appearance: [img=http://www.serebii.net/xy/pokemon/622.png] *slightly larger than most Golett Personality: Surprisingly fun loving, though it hides that behind a stoic and serious attitude. As well, Golett is quite protective of Chris, to the point of popping out of it's pokeball when Chris is being threatened. Notable Moves: Shadow Punch, Dynamic Punch, Hammer Arm, Mega Punch Species: Wartortle Nickname: N/A Appearance: [img=http://www.serebii.net/xy/pokemon/008.png] Personality: Quite the jolly fellow. He loves playing around, even more than battling. The only way to even make him stay serious for a stretch of time is to battle, and that's not a guarantee. Notable Moves: Water Pulse, Withdraw, Aqua Tail, Rapid Spin Species: Staravia Nickname: N/A Appearance: [img=http://www.serebii.net/xy/pokemon/397.png] Personality: Quite the fiery one. Headstrong and ever willing to battle and prove his strength. Though he is capable of being calm and collected, he only enjoys battling and he enjoys it very much. Notable Moves: Double Team, Wing Attack, Aerial Ace, Whirlwind Species: Jigglypuff Nickname: N/A Appearance: [img=http://www.serebii.net/xy/pokemon/039.png] Personality: She is quite naïve and curious. Though inexperienced in battle, she is enthusiastic to learn and more than willing to try her hand at fighting. Though, she is easily frightened, especially by big things. Notable Moves: Sing, Rollout, Double Slap