[HIDER=Lanee Beaulieu] [U]Name:[/U] It's Lanee Beaulieu but to students it's, well, you'll see [U]Gender:[/U] Female [U]Age:[/U] Twenty Nine [U]Appearance:[/U] Looking for one, can't draw female's as good. A tall, 6' 3", tanned women that has straight black hair and blue eyes. [U]Region of Origin:[/U] Kalos [U]City of Origin:[/U] Dendemille Town [U]Subject:[/U] Pokémon Evolution and Biology [U]History:[/U] Okay, well I was born in Dendemille Town of Kalos and have personally had a great life. I was always interested in Pokémon like most of the world. I was always particularly intrigued by the evolution on such creatures, hence why I teach it now. It was the one mystery about the creatures that I had a REAL interest in. It's my personal reason for even being a trainer. Like most trainers I tried to become the most powerful trainer ever and defeat all of the Gym Leaders of Kalos, on the side. The real meaning of my adventure was to learn about evolution, as I probably stated before. So, whilst collecting the eight Gym Badges I assisted Professor Sycamore and his research of Mega Evolution. It was a life changing experience, I would go to his lab on weekends and assist him. He was the person who shaped me who I am today, he's the man who taught myself, and most of his other assistants, all of the things I know. I studied under his tutelage for four years and received my 'doctorate' in Pokémon Evolution and Biology, the class I teach today. Without Professor Sycamore I most likely wouldn't have been able to teach at the Orre Academy. [U]Personality:[/U] I'm probably considered the most laid back teacher at the academy. It's actually kind of strange because of how strict my parents are, I guess Sycamore just rubbed off on me. The only thing that makes me mad, so to speak, is if anyone interrupts me while I'm talking/teaching. If you want to talk you can teach the class. Besides that I can't really describe my self. One thing to look forward to is a lack of homework in my course, I feel it's unnecessary and assignments or small exams will be enough to test your knowledge. Oh, and I honestly don't mind what students refer me as. Whether it's Ms. Bealieu or just Lanee I'm not strict in that manner. [U]Battle Theme:[/U] [YOUTUBE]XeJHMZ4MEAU[/YOUTUBE] [U]Etc:[/U] [B][U]Pokémon[/U][/B] [U]Species:[/U] Noivern [U]Nickname:[/U] Bruit [U]Appearance:[/U] [IMG]http://www.pkparaiso.com/imagenes/xy/sprites/animados/noivern.gif[/IMG] [U]Personality:[/U] Bruit is my oldest Pokémon and I guess you could say, 'starter'? For being one of the brute giants known as a Dragon he's fairly calm and actually very kind and caring, but that developed over time. He's my best friend and I probably wouldn't trade him for the world. [U]Notable Moves:[/U] Boomburst, Hone Claws, Roost, and Air Cutter [U]Species:[/U] Politoed [U]Nickname:[/U] Kero [U]Appearance:[/U] [IMG]http://www.pkparaiso.com/imagenes/xy/sprites/animados/politoed.gif[/IMG] [U]Personality:[/U] Kero is fairly kind and soft. She is a powerful Pokémon but is often mistaken for being weak. She hates being in the spot-light as she's fairly nervous when attention is stuck on her. She likes to confound her opponents using Hypnosis and when they wake up confusing them with Swagger. [U]Notable Moves:[/U] Swagger, Surf, Hypnosis [U]Species:[/U] Honchkrow [U]Nickname:[/U] Feutre [U]Appearance:[/U] [IMG]http://www.pkparaiso.com/imagenes/xy/sprites/animados/honchkrow.gif[/IMG] [U]Personality:[/U] Feutre is probably the most stuck-up of all my Pokémon. He often grooms himself and tends to mock other peoples Pokémon which often gets myself and it in trouble. Feutre could be describe as regal but rude. [U]Notable Moves:[/U] Thief, Aerial Ace, Night Slash [/HIDER] Here's a teacher CS, sorry for lack of appearance again but it's pretty difficult to find a picture on the internet of a female anime teacher that isn't provocative or fits my description.