Ariel sat quietly throughout class had been fairly boring and routine she looked up at the clock seeing that it was almost time for swim practice which she had always looked forward to during the school day. When the bell rang Ariel left her history class heading towards the girl's locker room she was always the first one to get into the pool, she went inside the locker room where her bathing suit was along with her goggles and swim cap. When Ariel entered the school's indoor pool Ariel looked around enjoying the quiet and the stillness in the room. Ariel then jumped into the water doing laps around the pool and then the rest of the girls came in a few minutes later to join her. [center]Sun Wukong The Monkey King, Fairytale Land[/center] Sun Wukong The Monkey King had snuck out of The Enchantress's castle her had made escape attempts before but they had always failed and ended up getting caught again and sent to the prison and beaten. Sun quickly fled into the nearby forest where he thought he would be safe, he looked back at the castle no one had come out to chase after him he used that to his advantage and kept running turning into a monkey using the tree branches to swing from tree to tree, A few hours later he reached a river thinking it was far enough The Monkey King made camp high above the ground tying one of the branches down to make a small roof incase it were to rain.