The two went outside. Though the moment they did a man spoke up. "Hey Jurgen. Finally got a girl eh? Can I have some fun with her too? Hehehe..." It sounded threatening, but in this case it wasn't at all. The man that had spoken was Jurgen's neighbour. A junky that managed to forget how to unlock a door when he was high. Which he was, right now, just laying there against the wall. The man was nice enough. Nice enough in this case being that he didn't bother Jurgen and only kept it to an insult or rude comment 'every now and then'. Eve only glanced at the man, raised, a brow, and kept on walking. With one look it was easy to see the man was harmless, and such comments didn't bother her. So it wasn't even worth a second of her time. Not, at least, when there was a better fight waiting for her. Outside Eve looked around with a smile. The place was just like she had imagined from what she could see through the apartment's window. A run down hellhole at first glance, but if you looked a little better you could see what this place truly was. Freedom. A place where most rules don't matter, where you can basically do and say what you want. And so can everyone else. Or that was how she saw it at least. After a few moments of taking it all in, she quickly followed after Jurgen again. "It's good to be 'alive', if you can call me that." She commented, more to herself than him.