Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Hellish Hin
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Hellish Hin

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Strength: 10
Agility: 12
Intelligence: 16
Height: 5.5 feet
Weight: 130
Current Gear: Black cloak with blue embroidered trimming, a leather satchel decorated with seemingly random trinkets and is filled with the tricks of her trade, two well-made hidden daggers, a coin purse filled with a decent amount of coin, a white horse which must have cost a pretty penny, gear for travelling including a tent and cooking supplies (these things are left with in the stables as she stays in the tavern)

Salina is a travelling seer. She has minor magical talents that allow her to con money mostly off of men but also off of people desperate enough to hear whatever they want to hear. She is mysterious and doesn't usually stay in one place for too long, otherwise she fears she might get run out of town because of accusations of witch craft. They may be true accusations but she still values her life. She makes enough to survive but is always seeking out ways to strengthen her power. She also tries her best to make sure nobody knows about her magic. One, she would be easy to track by the many people she has angered (she might even have some still following her now). Two, it could get her hanged if she wasn't careful. Three, it would draw too much attention. She liked getting involved on her own terms, not anyone elses.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
Avatar of Fetzen


Member Seen 2 days ago


  • Strength: 17
  • Agility: 9
  • Intelligence: 12
  • Height: 7.8 feet
  • Weight: 400

Current Gear:
  • Dark leather clothes that can protect him from bad weather.
  • Thick linen clothing. Not exactly very nice looking or even expensive, but it offers good warmth and comfort.
  • A short but very sturdy sword (can also be used as a lever), a small crossbow he can use to shoot a climbing rope with a hook, a garrotte, a set of lockpicks and some minor other tools required for his kind of work
  • a draft horse for those occasions when he needs to get out of town. Going on a real long journey would require additional preparation though.
  • A lot of pockets, but one won't find many coins in them. He is very far from being rich.

Batharyn is a thief. He has descended into killing before, but these had been sad emergencies. He takes jobs from his involvement into the local criminal network, but on most occassions works for his own good. He usually stays in one town until the local 'resources' so to speak have been sufficiently exhausted or until he feels that he has drawn unfortunate suspicion. Usually any of these conditions only comes true after a time long enough for him to have rented a more or less small, humble room or even a small hut or house for him to live in.

He doesn't know anything about magic, nor does he know much about what the usual frontline soldier would call fighting. He can be considered quite successful with what he does though, even though one might add that he sticks to a more conservative approach and only seldomly want to engage in stealing tours which obviously are much more risky than average. One probably doesn't want to start a bar fight with him though. In fact a tavern is where he often works when he either currently is out of jobs or wants to put up a deceptive facade for a while.
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