[center][h2][b][u][color=0054a6]The PRT Building[/color][/u][/b][/h2][/center][center][@Eklispe][/center]
Overlook watched the boxing tapes alongside Jackson, not really speaking aside from the occasional wince at a nasty punch. It wasn't before long that he found himself actually seeing the fight in a different sense... he could see something that he wasn't able to notice before. Overlook watched the film and payed incredible attention to the way the fighters actually boxed, and he could faintly see a shadow form of each boxer... however the shadow depicted future events. It was only about a second into the future, but he could see the shadows perfectly. Just to make sure he wasn't being fooled or anything, he looked over at Jackson and spoke up. [color=8882be]"Do you see the shadows...or is that just me?"[/color]

[hr][center][h3][color=SpringGreen]Kyoshi - Denver Skyline[/color][/h3][@ProPro][@Nattook][@The Wild West][@yoshua171][/center]
[color=Springgreen]"Yeah, I can get you there."[/color] Kyoshi understood why Outsider would want to keep his Endbringer form hidden, as it could just cause a bunch of ruckus and drive the Rockers away. There was also the concern that a giant snake flying over Denver would [i]probably[/i] get the group in a fair amount of media. Kyoshi walked over to where Outsider was standing and crouched down in front of him, waiting for him to get on her back. She could carry him in her arms, but piggyback was a bit easier for Kyoshi to manage.