[img]http://www.flash-screen.com/free-wallpaper/uploads/201103/icos/1299134881.jpg[/img] Life...what a pitiful state to be in. What could possibly be worse then spending the day cleaning Rothbarts awful grotesque bedroom? The man was a wild animal and this place proved it. HIs clothes were left everywhere clean and dirty alike. The smell of swet, old food and who knows what filled the stenchy room and soaked into the walls and floor. The man had never let anyone step foot into this place ever since he took over the kingdom but after all these years he caved. Could not stand living in his own phecies it seemed. [i]Took him long enough. [/i] Oddy's face turned blue as she lifted up a pair of stale and rotten underwear off the old wooden stained floor. She gagged and her eyes rolled back in her head as the oddor filed her nostrels with a painful rush. Oddy scrunched up her nose while she preyed that this discusting nightmare would be over. Why did she have to do this? Why couldnt he learn how to clean himself? She pouted for a moment as she remembered the last time she made the man angry....That was when Oddy had kneed Gustan in the groin for calling her a Beast. In her remembering suddenly Oddy felt the sting of tears fill her eyes. It was painful and itchy as she took a deep breath and decided to hurry up and get the task done and over with. Oddy turned to the large plastic hamper she had rolled in....that just so happened to look like a garbage can. In her endeveours to fight illness she accidently stepped in the way of the on coming air vent that sent a breeze of air straight towards the boxers and her face. Oddy gagged and ducked her head trying to keep far from the vent as she stepped back feeling her thoughts urn cloudy.[i] So much for getting this done fast.[/i] Once she was able to open her eyes and somewhat think clearly Oddys blue orbs set on the dirty boxers as her gloves let go letting the grotesque garment fall to the floor. She stood up fast and bolted to the window at the end of the room. Shakingly her fingers pried the latch that held the window shut until the sound of a click snapped making the window glide open. Oddy shoved the window aside to end of its hinges as she gasped for air. A painful burn hit her throut as she coughed for air. To live, that was her idea today. After a moment of air Oddy was able to breathe somewhat better. Her attention turned back to the room...[i]Ugh why me?[/i] her mind once again whined from her new chore. She froze for a moment pondering for ideas that could make this fast and simple until she realised something. Odette quickly ran to the floor and grabbed hold of as many dirty clothes as she could piling up her arms as she cradled them and made her way to the window. She did her best to keep from breathing as she did and once the window was close enough Oddy swung and tossed the clothes out and watched as they fell down to the courtyard tile. Odette once again went back another time and another until every piece of clothing was emptied from the room. After she glanced around feeling pride over her work and stood around inspecting to see if there was any sock she had left behind. Her idea of tossing Rothbarts clothes out was much better then having to force herself to breathe. Odette then began to continue cleaning the room. She spent hours dusting, tossing trash, placing things in order and vaccuming until the place looked the best she could make it. Oddy gathered her cleaning supplies and left the room all the while wishing she had poisin or something to leave in Rothbarts pillos or shaving cream. She did hate the man but cleaning was sort of a way to keep her mind off her problems sadly. She always did her best and lost herself in the task.