The concept here is pretty simple, A fallout Equestria Story with that Mad max feel to it instead. :D Post-apocalyptic Equestria tweaked to be more broad, desolate, and sparse, Possibly with a necessity for vehicles to handle the distances. Mind you, it won't be 'precisely' mad max, not to the extent that everything will be dead and sandy and lifeless so everyone's eating maggots, dogfood, and eachother, just 'more like it' in that it'll actually feel like a dead 'nation' rather than a neighborhood.

I don't have a proper story in mind yet, I want to see if at least a couple of good people would be interested first before I go pouring myself into designing such. Expect rough uncensored language and violence fitting for the dark and gritty theme. All I really expect of anyone joining is keeping up with the casual section's posting and grammar expectations, and of course a measure of dedication to not letting the RP die by vanishing inexplicably. Second or third person writing styles are option per player I think.

I 'do' have some ideas for the foundation of the RP though, and I'm torn between three of them! I would like to hear the opinions on them of those interested in joining, there will likely be a period of planning before I actually start it, I want this to be something the 'group' is invested in, not just myself.

1. The classic RP starter, 3-6 people, inexplicably meeting somewhere, try to find a reason for them not to kill eachother and see where the groups motives push their travel.

2. Open-world RP starter, 2+ people, with a higher upper limit setting up for the RP, but starting in entirely different locations from eachother, or in groups of 2 or 3, each one or group doing their own thing... Predictably, this would be the most work for me and i'd most likely need a couple of Reliable Co-gms to help manage the whole thing, but I imagine the most 'fun' for the whole group as it has the most authentic experience available for a larger number of people. This one would also be the most resistant to dying suddenly if someone gimps out and bails on the RP without warning.

3. Story-centric RP starter, 2 people, 3 max, starting a story centered around one of those characters or the group itself, the 'second person' style writing of the big popular fan stories out there, and progressing through a storyline with fewer starting people, but the likelyhood of 'more' people popping in over-time simply due to that being the way these stories always go XD They almost never end up with less than 5-6 person groups by the half-way point XD