[hider=gay commie scum vs. heavenly super capitalist ayn rand's armpit]
[b]Name of nation:[/b] There is no one world government, however the two major superpowers are the Federated States of Narrev and the United Dumas of Cantor.
[b]Species:[/b] The Staius are transposed particles occupying shells to protect them from other particles and background radiation. They are made of a cloud of electrons, and they can exit and enter shells at will, with the caveat that it must be empty for them to occupy it. When outside of the shell, they are slowly eroded away due to being used to balance unbalanced particles. They are particularly vulnerable to ionizing radiation, due to the fact it separates the mass of electrons that make up their sentience.
[hider=A shell]
[b]Description of government:[/b] A wide range of governments make up the 254 nations of Gais, the planet they live on. The two major governments are representative republics, often lead by the Federated States of Narrev, and totalitarian communist dictatorships, lead most often by the United Dumas of Cantor. Also in the running are a few theocracies, tribal leaderships, constitutional monarchies, and regular totalitarian dictatorships. The two superpowers are in a global struggle for dominance in the midst of nuclear superweapons that can make areas totally uninhabitable for the Staius for tens of thousands of years, due to their sensitivity to radiation.
[b]Description of military:[/b] There are two main military alliances on Gais, the SNTO (South Narrev Treaty Organization), currently lead by the Federated States of Narrev, and the Staius Pact, lead by the United Dumas of Cantor.
[b]Technological Overview:[/b] The world is in the midst of an atomic age, with digitalized equipment beginning to make a debut as the two global superpowers fight each other in both the race to space and in proxy wars. Eight years ago, the first Staius-made satellite was put into orbit by the United Dumas of Cantor. Today, every day hails a new invention as technology flies forward in the bitter scientific combat to be the first to achieve new space milestones.
[b]Cultural Overview:[/b] The cultures of Gais are extremely varied. There is no one true culture, but there are two main ideologies. These are capitalism and communism.
[b]History:[/b] The Staius started as loose electrons during the creation of the universe, when it was still too hot for protons and neutrons to merge together. Some electrons collided, eventually forming masses that would later be forged into neural networks. The first Staius floated about in interstellar space, gravity eventually pulling their masses to planetoids. Many of the Staius on these planetoids dissipated, but one planetoid in particular allowed them to evolve the use of shells. This planetoid would later be called Gais. These shells allowed them to survive an average human lifespan before dissipating. They developed without agriculture, as they did not need it. They could survive in inhospitable places without issue, meaning the richest and most populous areas were in mountains and areas with material riches rather than where there was more food. This meant that inland mountains were heavily crowded. This allowed them to, once they had left the prehistoric era, jump ahead in technology with incredible speed. From this two ideologies emerged, one representing the natural ebb and flow of the economy with free trade, and the other representing one dictator controlling the flow of goods.

[b]Other:[/b] poo haha