[center][h2][color=6ecff6]Konosuba: This Wonderful World's Alternative Paradigm[/color][/h2] [img]http://www.animearcade.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Screenshot-48.png?gid=3[/img][/center] Just like the plot of the original anime of Konosuba, this roleplay will be mostly the same but different as well. In this world Kazuma hasn't died, Aqua still works as a goddess, and most of the canon characters we know and love are off doing something somewhere else while we do our own thing, but we will get into some of the stuff that happened in cannon sooner or later. To start off everyone at the beginning is a noobie in your class, even characters that are natively born are just as beginners as much as the people new to the world around them. The reason for them to be beginners at the start is so characters can get a feel of their class and who the can work with best, Everyone will physically be at the bunk house getting the orientation about the rules around the house, getting to know each other and the rules around the place, it's mostly for getting everyone together, unless they want to find their own place to live without money or family support. [center]Rules: -No Godmodding -No metagaming -Don't get out of hand with romance, if things are getting toasty take it to the pms -Take Drama to the pms if they are getting really bad -A maximum of 3 characters for each person -Please don't speed post, allow at the least 2 people to go after you. -What my CO-Gms and I say are law please abide by it.[/center] [center][hider=Character Sheet] Character sheet: Appearance: Anime Picture, try not to be too edgy. It'll be assumed what you have in the pic is the only clothing you have. Feel free to add anything we don't see/don't know. Name: Go nuts. Age: Lowest you can go is 15. Class: You can choose the basics such as Knight, Rogue, Mage, but you can also go further and choose the classes such as Paladin, Monk, and Bard, but you will start from the bottom. Race: While most everyone is human, you're free to be a more fantasy race. No demons, angels, or gods. If you're some weird race that gives you extra advantages "but is totally normal for them", as us first. I know your munchkin ass wants as much of an edge as you can get. Reincarnated have to be human unless their blessing turns them into something else. Reputation: Basically your backstory. If you're a native to the world this is what you might be well known as. But since you'll all new adventurers, this will mostly consist of your upbringing, why you're in axis, and why you're an adventurer. If you're a native you can write about how you died and your life before then. Personality: Self-explanatory Skills: What you have some training or knowledge in. No masters, no super talented people, not even if you're 200+ years old and needed a hobby. This just gives us an idea of what you could bring to the table once you go about doing quest and/or getting a job. Belongings: Important shit you have. I don't need to know about how many pairs of shirts you got, but if you have a magic ring of immortality than you better damn well tell me. Obviously don't get too OP right out of character creation, you're all poor noobs. A weapon or perhaps a spell focus for the more magically inclined. Also include pets/familiars if you have any. [/hider][/center]