[@Spriggs27] [@Lucius Cypher] [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]https://myanimelist.cdn-dena.com/s/common/uploaded_files/1444712977-9a1e5eb09fad6504e436df0445d2ae0b.png[/img] -> His expression whenever some random guy tells him about the awesome power of his product. [b]Name[/b]: [b]Gonu[/b] [b]Ts[/b]uki (I'd like to thank the GM for inspiring me for this name) [b]Age[/b]: 18 [b]Class[/b]: Knight-Mage who sings(bard?) [b]Race[/b]: Human..but since coming to this words he has tried many things which have planted their marks on his DNA. Well for the time being, their effects will wear off...right? He tried a fruit which gave him cat ears. He drank the juice of a single yellow cactus in the middle of a deserted and dead area, part of a lush forest. It gave him a snake tail. He cut and ate some blue hair hanging from a hanging tree on the bank of a river. It was the middle of the night when he stumbled upon it...and the hair were glowing a neon blue. After eating it his hair started glowing in the dark a neon blue. [b]Reputation[/b]: One day he was greeted by an old gypsy on the front of his house which offered him a cherry. "Eat this"- she said and you will be transported to a fantastical world. While taking the cherry from her hand, she had a bag full of them, he answered:"Not buying any of your crap old hag. Now get lost."- while eating the cherry. Just as he was about the close the door everything blacked out and he awoke on a dark place in front of a goddess. She was called Eris and their conversation went something like this. [b]Eris[/b]:[i]"Oh you poor soul. A foul creature tricked you so now you are here. But I won't let your bright flame extinguish like that. You have still lots to experience"[/i]- she went on while hugging him. At this point all he could focus on was her boobs ignoring all her words. [b]Eris[/b]:[i]"Wish for any one thing and I shall granted it."[/i]- Still not listening to her words he murmured.[i]"That gypsy was right, I feel so lucky."[/i] [b]Eris[/b]:[i]"Luck you say? If that is what you wish, then luck you shall have. Now go, start a new life and live it to the fullest."[/i]- and saying that he was thrown through a hole to end up in the middle of a village. All he could see were her boobs getting farther and farther away, smaller and smaller. [b]Gonu[/b]:[i]"KAMI-SAMA! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"[/i]- and that "no" lasted for the better part of 5 minutes while he was laying on the ground with his hands extended towards the sky. Since then he has trusted every gypsy/street seller that he has come across. Still ignorant of the fact that he actually died in the start. [b]Personality[/b]: Since when he was young, Gonu has been a rational and cynical person. He questioned everything and didn't trust anyone. That made him very arrogant and was considered a douche by all who met him. That was, until he met that gypsy. So suddenly he finds himself transported to a fantastical world but not before being hugged by a goddess. That completely through his style of living and beliefs to the ground. He was completely destroyed by the events that happened and you could also say, somewhat broken. Something snapped in his mentality. Now nothing seemed really real to him, everything could happen and he started believing everything and treating everything as "unreal" in a way. I mean, what could beat being reborn in a new fantastical world and literally being hugged by a booby goddess? Nothing is unbelievable compared to that. He is also a sucker for oppai. [b]Skills[/b]: Scout or more like bait. See a dark place that might as well be a cliff falling down to the center of the earth? Maybe you venture in an ancient maze filled with traps, he will run straight threw the middle either way. [b]Belongings[/b]: 7 necklaces / 4 rings / A staff of "Eternal demonic fire" [b]Rings[/b] [list] [b]The pelvis bone of the fairy[/b] - Grants the user understanding of every language. Looks like a chicken bone, leftover from supper. [b]Ring of the Great Hero Razmodaus[/b] - Gives the user bravery. He already has an extreme case of it, called stupidity. [b]Ring of the earth dragons[/b] - The user can communicate with Mother Earth. He is totally not talking to himself while gently rubbing his hand on the floor. [b]Ring of Rejuvenation[/b] - Grants increased healing and rejuvenation to the user when they are resting. If he wasn't sleeping like a pig before, he sure as hell is sleeping like one now. [/list] [b]His staff[/b] - Grants him a one time use super powerful max effect level explosion spell said to rival big bang. "If he isn't careful on how/when he uses it, he could bring about the end of the world. Better yet, it is best not to use it at all"- or so the gypsy who sold him the twig with a red stone glued at the end told him. That's what every street seller told him when they sold him the rings and necklaces. Edit: [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3zjRcMnRNY[/youtube] How he sees life everytime he finds a street seller with a fantastical item. Nuts crossed hoping for the best!