Jurgen just wrote down "clothes", having no idea what Eve would want to wear. He looked around again, nodding to himself, and was just about ready to declare them ready to go, when Eve spoke up again. She decided she needed a maintenance kit. He could do that, too. "Anything else?" he asked, just in case, and then shrugged, putting the list and the pen in his pocket. "Doesn't matter. If you think of something, let me know." he corrected himself. If there was anything else, he could write it down, but it didn't look to him like there would be anything else, at least not yet. So now it was time to go, he supposed. "All right, you do your best to look perfectly human, and then we'll go." he decided, "As much as androids are part of life, most people don't see them shopping for clothes. Trust me, it'll just be less weird if you go with it." he added, figuring that his companion would want to know why. She was good at following directions, but he had no doubt she was intelligent enough to desire reasons for these things. And that was reasonable, the cyborg decided. She was smart enough to almost be human, she might as well understand things. Then he chuckled as they headed out. She would be able to pass as human pretty soon. Once the robot got the hang of local customs and social interaction, there would be literally nothing stopping her from running off and doing things on her own. That was a scary thought. What if she left? Just up and abandoned him to try and scrape out a living on his own once more. She'd at least pay him back, right? He couldn't be sure. Jurgen didn't let his terrified thoughts show, but he was just as scared, nonetheless...