[b]Name:[/b] Belladonna "Bella" Aconite
[b]Age:[/b] 16

[b]Class:[/b] Witch
[b]Race:[/b] Human
[b]Reputation:[/b] Bella was born to a coven of witches that lived in a forest not far from Axel. They lived in seclusion from civilization and in harmony with nature, under the domain of a faerie prince that they worshiped. Bella was taught the art of witchcraft from her mother, as was customary for all of the women in their coven. However, not long after Bella's Rites of Passage on her sixteenth birthday, her mother fell deathly ill. While the other witches of the Coven knew the cure for her sickness, it required a rare herb that could not be found in their forest. Bella's mother would die before they had the time to travel and retrieve it, and so Bella took it upon herself to venture into civilization to find it.

Finding herself in Axel, Bella was eventually able to find the needed herb in an apothecary's shop. However, having no money and little understanding of civilized ways, she attempted to take it without paying, which lead to a greater altercation with the shopkeeper that resulted in a great deal of his product being destroyed. While Bella was able to send the ingredient off to her coven (with the help of her crow familiar, Hemlock), she found herself in considerable debt with the apothecary. Bella knew that if she was to flee back to the forest, she would be followed and the secret location of her coven would be revealed. As such, she has stayed in Axel to pay off her debt. Due to the stigma most civilized people have against witches, however, the only work she has been able to find has been that of a rookie adventurer.

[b]Personality:[/b] Bella is a cheerful and charming young woman, ever optimistic and with a great desire to help others. Though her upbringing has made her somewhat naive and sheltered, she is far from stupid, and can be exceptionally clever and observant. Bella can show great determination when she sets her mind to a task, and is willing to make great self-sacrifices to help those she holds dear. However, she is not a milquetoast beacon of pure goodness, as she has a considerable anti-authoritarian streak, and can be as beguiling and mischievous as one would expect a consort of the fae to be.

[b]Skills:[/b] As a witch, Bella is skilled in herbalism and alchemy, able to brew a variety of potions and poisons. She is a practitioner of fae magic, primarily illusions and enchantments that she may use to beguile and confuse her foes, but she can also wield some influence over the natural world. Bella also is versed in hexes and other black magics, but only uses them in the case of dire emergencies.

[b]Belongings:[/b] Bella carries nearly nothing but her heirloom witch's staff, a focus for her magic, some herbalist's tools such as a pestle and mortar, and a small pouch of herbs and various magical reagents. Her companion in civilization is her crow familiar, Hemlock, who is trained to assist her with a variety of magical and mundane utilities.

[hider=Spells and Potions]
[*] Eldritch Blast
[*] Friends
[*] Poison Spray
[*] Minor Illusion
[*] Mage Hand
[*] Cause Fear
[*] Hex
[*] Witch Bolt
[*] Faerie Fire
[*] Sleep
[*] Charm Person
[*] Unseen Servant

[*] Healing
[*] Elemental Resistance
[*] Water Breathing
[*] Animal Friendship
[*] Growth
[*] Poison
[*] Love
[*] Fire Breath
[*] Slipperiness