[@Spriggs27][@Lucius Cypher] Decided to try my hand at making a character. Basically he has the typical edgelord OC backstory with some extra grimdark except having none of the typical edgelord angst, nihilism, etc. [hider=Shiroe, Necromancer] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/17/25/06/17250612535e9d1e0e38d995dce2fc7c.jpg[/img] - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - [h3][sup]Shiroe | 18 | Necromancer[/sup][/h3] - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = -[/center] [h3]Race:[/h3] [indent]Human Lich - Lichs are those Undead who haven't succumb to the affects of undeath and have managed to keep their sanity, minds and appearance. They need not eat, sleep or even breath to survive due to their curse of undeath but still eat and sleep either out of habit or to blend in. However, it comes at a cost of severely damaged nerves to the point they feel neither pain nor pleasure or physical touch, direct light of any kind can hurt them and any magical attacks will deal tremendous damage to their souls have been claimed by the Abyss. They cannot revive the blessing of any god and any blessing they may acquire will damage them regardless of how positive it is; any holy-based attack or ability will cause great pain and is one of the few things that elicit any feeling at all to a Lich.[/indent] [h3]Reputation:[/h3] [indent]If there was a need for inspiration for the world's greatest tragedy, Shiroe's former life would have been it. Born to an apathetic mother and a drunkard father who would beat Shiroe when they weren't shouting at each other, it would seem that life was determined to fuck Shiroe up. Few is any friends, failing grades, no physical achievements, no talents, no money, to say that Shiroe had been dealt the worse hand possible in the game of life would be an understatement. Despite this, Shiroe didn't let it break him. While many would presume that a child like him would fall into depression and commit suicide or become a recluse with angst and edge in their shadow, Shiroe was a never ending fountain of positive vibes with an upbeat personality. There have been more than a few people who have concluded that Shiroe must have some mental illness which causes all of this, but he has none to speak of besides a mild case of dyslexia and a rather poor memory. The boy knew his misfortune and bad luck, he knew all his shortcomings and failures but he accepted it and made it his mission to be the foundation and pillar of a building instead of the shiny exterior or the crowning monument in front. He worked his ass off trying to make money and get into good schools with mixed results, but none of his teachers could ever really hate him for his poor grades and attendance. In one last stroke of misfortune, Shiroe would meet his end on the same day he was born on his 18th birthday. While withdrawing some hard earned cash to buy himself a small cupcake for his birthday alone, a group of robbers held up the bank he was in. Everyone got to their knees except for Shiroe who instead walked up and punched one of the robbers in the chest. It was a stupid move of course and he was shot soon after but it gave the tellers enough of a distraction to call the cops. Shiroe believed that his life was worth little but he could still make use of it in one last, movie-cliche move. That day, only one civilian died in the robbery and it was Shiroe. The mayor of his town commerated Shiroe's actions and finally, in death, he was hailed as a hero like one he always. Upon ascending to the afterlife, Shiroe wasn't confronted by any goddess, but instead the God of Death, who was impressed with how stoically the young man faced his hollow gaze with eyes of pitch black. Said eyes soon teared up and burst into a waterfall of sadness as Shiroe told the god of death the tragedy of his life as if recounting a children's story. With the god of death being a sobbing mess, Shiroe asked the god straight up to become a necromancer, a grave heresy in most cases. When asked why, Shiroe simply responded with "I just want friends who can stay with me". Next thing he knew, Shiroe was standing in a field in new clothing, with a book in hand and a note that said "Best of Luck in your new Unlife."[/indent] [h3]Personality:[/h3] [indent]Despite his life, Shiroe is a very positive and outgoing person that just exudes an aura of relax and friendliness. Almost nothing fazes him, no insult, no slander, no lie can really affect him. Even someone stabbing him would only cause Shiroe to question the stabber with an almost disappointment tone thanks to not being able to feel anything as a lich. Full of optimism, Shiroe accepts whatever misfortunes comes to him with a smile and seeing as he is still quite unlucky to this day, he smiles a lot. He's a bit odd and eccentric, but his motives are rarely ever foggy due to a good moral compass Hardworking as ever, Shiroe wishes to become a masterful necromancer one day and seeks out various books and tomes and other materials in his quest. His natural lack of academic skill has followed him to his new life so he often requires someone else to check his own work and make sure he's not reading the book upside down, a phenomenon more common than it really should be. While many see necromancy as the diving into of dark magics and death, Shiroe sees it as a celebration of life saying "In order to understand death, you have to first understand life".[/indent] [h3]Skills: [/h3] [indent]Shiroe is beginning his path of magic and thus knows the system of how to cast spells properly even if he cannot use most magics being a lich and a necromancer. As one might expect, there is a focus for him to use dark and necromancy spells but in an ironic twist, all of the necromancy and death spells which Shiroe knows are derived from healing spells. For example, is actually a bastardized resurrection spell which binds the monster to the caster. is just a regeneration spell for the undead and is based on a stat buffing spell but can only be cast on creatures and people who have had cast on them. Also skilled at the fine art of "Face Punching".[/indent] [h3]Belongings: [/h3] [list][*]Book of Souls - The necromancy tome which has been acting as a Dummy's Guide to Dark Magic for Shiroe whose blank pages will only show its messages to undead eyes. [*]Scythe Staff - A magical staff based on a scythe meaning its actually just a scythe with some etching and bones on it and unlike most staffs, can be used in combat. In theory. [*]Slime familiar - A small, cute slime familiar of Shiroe's that changes colors on its mood but is usually blue or green and is about the size of a steamed bun. [*]A Brick - Literally just a brick. Used to hit monsters who get too close.[/list] [/hider]