[quote=@SleepingSilence] [@Dynamo Frokane] The fatal flaw of that picture is all racists are idiots, and therefore have not read those books or know about history well enough to know any of those icons. But I suppose all being secret frog people, just gives more credence to the lizard people conspiracy. /s On that note. Since I already started. (Note the picture isn't directed at you or anyone. [s]Just too lazy and thoughtful of spam to post twice.[/s] But since this is all this thread is. Might as well humor it.) [hider=Look everyone, a picture with facts and reality opposed to strawmen. :O] [img]http://i.imgur.com/ruH2Lyk.jpg[/img] [/hider] I don't know, feel like at least [b]one[/b] of those was needed. [/quote] There is no flaw in this picture, some idiots racist or otherwise do read history books. Its their understanding of race and accomplishments which is skewed. And I hope you werent accusing my meme of strawmen, there are people who think like that, I'm not sure of the exact number but they do exist. And I've got no problem with your picture of stats at all, islam is an ideology with a set of values so beliefs can be attributed to its followers without it being prejudice. I will take issue with your somewhat snide jab at this thread, like I've said at least 4 times before, if politcal discussion threads annoy you so much then stop having political discussions in said threads. Or if you are going to insist on taking part like everyone else, stop slinging insults at the subject matter. We can debate and we can post memes, that's what this thread is for, stop complaining. [@Andreyich] explain racialism, I'm not 100% familiar with the term.