[hider=Anna Avalia] [center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/P48m5Zi.png[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Anna Avalia [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Class:[/b] Will be a Magus, a class usually of that of the smart free-spirit. A Magus blends magic and steel together, and is generally a blend of sorcery and sword mastery, but a starter such as Anna will have to find a masters to teach either skill/art before that. [b]Race:[/b] Valkyerian [i]A sacrifice, a wish, and a dream realized make up the ancient tale of the origin of the "people of the sky" otherwise known as Valkyerians. An ancient legend telling of a young mans dream to be free and to free his people, and a sympathetic, kind hearted goddess that granted this wish...[/i] Regardless of legend, here's what is definitely known of the Valkyerian. They are a somewhat uncommon race in the lands of this world, usually only found in groups in the highlands and mountains, but one may come across one or two, adventuring through the skies. In terms of their physiology, they are fairly similar to humans, but with very notable differences. First and foremost is their feathered features. All Valkeryia seem to posses feathered wings, one small set sprouting an inch above the ears, and a much larger set growing from the lower back. They also have a large, feathered tail that match the color of their "head wings". Typically, they have icy blue eyes and white hair, but occasionally are seen with orange or grey eyes. Valkyerians have hollow bones much like birds, though it makes little difference in strength. Valkyerians also seem to naturally preform better at high, thin air altitudes, where normally humans would have difficulty breathing, and often times are naturally happier at higher altitudes. Some base personality traits include a nearly genetic sense of claustrophobia, constantly unsettled when deep underground even in large caverns, and a general energy filled joyfulness. [b]Reputation:[/b] Anna came from a small town in the US state of Virginia, tucked away in the Appalachian Mountains. Her life was not particularly spectacular or significant in any real regard. Parents divorced at an early age, father being mentally ill and treating it while her mother was slowly consumed by her denial and rage, usually lashing out at Anna and her little sister to release the anger within on something. So yeah, shit was dealt with, but despite that, Anna in her teens had discovered flying when she was taken to an airshow by her grandfather and got to ride in one of the old vintage planes that took part. The feeling she got being up in the air, seeing the world from heights she could never dream of, truly it was as if she was flying about all her troubles, worries, frustrations, and saddness, gliding through the sky. After this, she immediatly put herself on the path to become a pilot. Going to flight school, obtaining various licences required for flying, where all steps she took. By the time Anna had turned twenty, she was well on her way to becoming a commercial pilot, finally turning her dream into a career when suddenly, she was killed. On the way back from flight school one evening, a drunk driver from the nearby college town had decided that traffic lanes where overrated and his big Ford pick up truck could go wherever it pleased. So, Anna awoke, finding herself sitting in front of a godess. This godess gave her the proposition that many before had heard. Either pass on to boring ole heaven or reincarnate in a fantasy world to defeat the Devil King. When she chose the latter, like many, she was offered one wish. All Anna said was that she wished to continue flying in this world.... Well little did Anna know how that wish would be granted... [b]Personality: [/b] A strong willed, friendly individual who has one hell of a backbone, Anna is certainly an interesting individual. Despite her humble upbringings, Anna is particularly quick witted and smart, being able to learn things at an good rate. Generally speaking, she will be kind and polite to those she initially meets, however to her closer friends, she can be shockingly foul mouthed, sarcastic, and even somewhat rude. She's a little haunted by her rough childhood, having trouble dealing with motherly figures as she really never got the love of her own, but with that good head on her shoulders, she's definitely dealing/managing it, so other than perhaps being a bit awkward under certain circumstances, she tries to get along with everyone. [b]Skills:[/b] -Can fly, as per her race. Though uhh... considering she literally only just got this new body, "flying" may be a bit to... nice. -Can fire and load a gun, but to bad they don't really exist yet! HAHAAHAHAHAAHA -Has an affinity to wind magic, but really doesn't understand that yet. -Okay, here's an actually useful one, she's led a pretty athletic, active life and is actually good in a regular old fist fight, having some real experince under her belt already. The small town country life has hardened her physical and basic fighting abilities to say the least. -Did some archery in high school, so, ya know, not totally useless with the Mk1 twig and string. -Sharp as a tack they say, so she's got some very good general knowledge and is fairly charismatic, so getting along with people of all walks of life is definitely a good skill of hers. [b]Belongings:[/b] Staring equipment of a magical satchel that carries more than it seem it would (but you're not fitting a god damn Zweihander or anything in it) and a simple short sword. Maybe something of some note are her unique "wing shrouds" that pretty much act as a somewhat protective cozy for her wings and the bright red scarf, the only article of clothing she actually kept from the other world. It was given to her by her grandfather, and she's worn it ever since. [/center] [/hider]