[hider=Daveon Serpenthelm] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/68/f6/24/68f62488b18be269ac0dd52a825f49c4.jpg[/img] [/hider] Name: Daveon Serpenthelm Age: 29 Class: War Cleric Race: Human Reputation: [b][s]IIIIN WEST PHILADELPHIA[/s][/b] Daveon is the son of a knight and a maiden of the gods, raised in a hamlet where his parents settled after their adventuring days had been put behind them. Their life largely consisted of harvesting their own crops, offering blessings and healing the sick, and protecting their newfound home from the common trouble you would find outside your doorstep. Having been adventurers for many years it was a fairly easy life. Their son reaped the full benefit of their tutelage as a warrior and word bearer of the gods, training with his father since childhood and learning the ways of the cleric from his mother. Many times a story like this ends in disaster as old grudges come to haunt them during their peaceful years so the stories always go but no such problem occurred to make Daveon swear vengeance on someone and leave home. When he turned 19, he just up and left. Kissed his Mom on the cheek, gave his Dad a firm handshake, and left for the city in search of the same life his parents had known. There are regularly visits back home or for them to visit him. Personality: Honorable and somewhat guillable since he tends to give a great deal of trust, at least until he is crossed or betrayed. Even then there is a reasonable amount of respect still given to the individual and usually no ill-will is directed at them despite whatever petty issue that has occurred. Quick to forgiveness and often choosing the way of helping instead of harming. A selfless giver of care and kindness, Daveon will always offer what little he has to others in better need of it. Be it a campfire, his food, or even just kind words to someone who is lost and lonely. That is what defines him as a human being. Capable of great empathy. When otherwise unengaged with adventuring he can often be found fishing or relaxing with a book. Skills: Averagely skilled in healing magic and combat with a staff. Excellent fisherman, but a poor swimmer. Spells: Water breathing - As it sounds, Daveon has learned the ability to allow him to stay underwater for extended periods of time without drowning. It is a spell born from the fact that he cannot swim. Float - Another spell born of his fear/love of the water, making him light enough to negate his heavy armor. Can only be cast on himself and even then only when hes fallen into a deep puddle of water. Blessed Healing - Channel holy energy into healing magic, curing minor wounds. Belongings: [color=a36209]Bronze staff [/color]- A gift from his parents years ago. It serves as both a weapon and as a holy symbol for him. Well used and old but meticulously cared for. [color=a36209]Travelers bag[/color] - Seeing as how Daveon enjoys to journey home often it is no surprise that the long walk is well prepared for. Water skins, dried rations, salted meats, fishing string, sleeping roll, cooking utensils, pots, pans, bandages, and some light reading material. Fishing string. The armor Daveon wears is the modified pieces belonging to his father.