[center][hider=Tōdai Nara][center]
[IMG] http://safebooru.org//images/2135/3f09e31152853a1f47fe2443dcd2c3cb1b426cf2.jpg?2225919 [/IMG]
[i][h3]"I've got to avoid being flashy, or I'll have to do five laps around the village and a couple hundred pushups. So go easy, kay?"[/h3][/i]
[hider=Personal Data][img]http://i46.tinypic.com/xclv9d.png[/img]
【[u]Full Name[/u]】
[i]Tōdai Nara[/i]
[i]Muimina Kage[/i]
[i]Genin/Flower Shop Cashier[/i]
[i]Asexual but could catfish a cactus[/i]

【[u]Birth Country[/u]】
[i]Land of Fire[/i]
【[u]Current Village[/u]】
[i]His loved ones mostly? He's 15 that's a big question baka![/i]
【[u]Shinobi Rank[/u]】
[i]C-Rank Genin to participate in Chunin Exams[/i] 	


Tōdai doesn’t fit the Nara persona much at all. In fact even his sister, a medical kunoichi is much more calculating, organized, and prepared than he is. Rather, Tōdai lives in each moment not really caring how things go, one way or another. He has a very carefree nature. However, that is not to say he is stupid. In fact, he’s closer to a prodigy. The only thing that stops him from being more effective with his time training is his incredibly singular focus when he does. He only trains what he wishes to and absolutely nothing else. But he is still incredibly effective, it’s why he has been able to make it as far as he has with his attitude on life.

Tōdai actually uses his carefree attitude in combat against his opponents. Often seeming much less prepared than he is. Should Tōdai feel invested in completing or winning a fight, he will often prepare by studying up on the competitor and playing to his own strengths. By fighting with his hands in his pockets he seems aloof and relaxed, where he may truly be concealing a weapon in those pockets or simply attempting to connect his shadow to his opponent. Often times he relies on trickery and surprise.

Tōdai’s main driving force in his life is his desire to impress his sister, brother, and teammate. He wishes to live up to solely their expectations and is the reason he is training to be a ninja. 

Tōdai, with his team is more carefree not taking on a leadership role even though he most likely could with his tactical sense. Rather, he uses his tactical knowledge to bolster his teammates and their decision making process. However, he also edges them to be more relaxed and carefree. Often times interrupting training sessions in order to take the team out to socialize with others. He is also responsible for bringing breakfast to early morning training. And lunch for afternoon sessions. He can often be found with an arm around both of his teammates and a shit eating grin on his lips.
[i]Like many children Tōdai had no clue what he wanted to do with his life growing up. Unlike his sister his early life was much more aimless. It was until he was six and his sister was fourteen that she convinced him to become a ninja. Tōdai studied with the resources he had, which was almost singularly older members of the Nara clan. His older sister and brother taught him the basics of their clan’s hiden techniques, but when they taught him it was quickly evident that he picked up his families techniques [i]quickly[/i]. 

Soon, as Tōdai graduated from the academy he had a good grasp on more than he had any right to. However, his grasps on Genjutsu, Taijutsu, or any nature types other than Yin were lacking. Thus, Shiō, his sister, gave him advice. She brought him to the dining room table with their brother and sat him down, sprawling out a large map in front of him with a few select villages circled. Kakugyō, their eldest brother had selected them. They explained to young Tōdai that he had a few choices, but if he was to learn more Jutsu, and grow his strength he needed to have a change of scenery.

He would end up picking Otogakure, the village hidden in sound. There he was assigned a team and Jonin leader. While his team’s leader was a spritely girl and his Jonin overseer was seemingly doing it for the pay, he found a comrade through his teammate Meirou. The boy was standoffish at first, but on one mission that all changed.

[hider=Mission Report: Captured, Meirou & Tōdai]
“Hey, Meirou?” Tōdai asked with a cocky grin.

“Yes?” Meirou called back, his back against his partner’s. 

“Looks like we’re all tied up, huh?” Tōdai said, flexing his arm against his restraints.

“That was… Pretty bad.” He responded casually, shuffling his back against Tōdai’s as his hand brushed up against Tōdai’s lower back.

“Woah there.” Tōdai called out wiggling his back to try and lower his shoulders towards Meirou’s hand. 

“Oh, I’ve got it.” Meirou triumphantly said, taking the kunai from Tōdai’s upper back holster and pulling it downward instantly slicing the rope. 

“Hey what’re you two doing?” A man with a large katana asked immediately turning it on Meirou. Tōdai glanced back at his teammate with a grin. Tōdai tapped his foot on the ground making his staff shoot up out of his shadow. With a quick spin, fire ignited on both ends of the staff. He spun it to block the overhead strike of the Katana, making a clash, the boy and the bandit standing there for a moment – struggling. But Tōdai had a smile on his face. Meirou immediately began taking the massive amounts of infrared light generated by the fire. He was ready. The bandit attempted to move but found himself stuck.

“I-I’m sorry, that always makes me smile.” Tōdai said with a charming smile.

“What’s that?” Meirou asked placing his hand on the man’s chest as he stood there, paralyzed in fear.

“The look they get when they realize they’re stuck.” Tōdai said as Meirou channeled the infrared light into the man and he began to burn from the inside out. As the man roasted alive, the two boys grew an appreciation for one another. Truly, it was the start of something beautiful.[/hider]

Ever since that mission in which their lives were on the line and they protected each other, they have had a deep understanding for one another. They both respect each other’s commitment to bettering themselves. While Meirou believes the world is dull and the he too is dull, Tōdai believes that yes, the world is dull, but in his own opinion the world is [i]so[/i] much livelier with them in it. That was a few years ago, and now they both stand ready to take on the Chunin exams. Who knows, Tōdai was slowly wearing down Meirou's exterior layers and the two had become like brothers. Tōdai, while being the same rank as his friend, knew he could learn so much from him.
[/hider][hider=Combat Data]

【[u]Chakra Nature(s)[/u]】
Katon, Yin

【[u]Abilities and Special Traits[/u]】
Specializes in quick kills, and short engagements.
Below average knowledge of Genjutsu
Only rudimentary Taijutsu technique.
Average chakra pool and only slightly above average chakra control.
Low physical stamina
Very talented in Hiden Nara Jutsu.
Great Multitasker
Talented Bojutsu combatant.[/i]


[u]Weapons, Tools and Equipment[/u]】

15x Kunai (keeps these on a pouch on the side of his thigh).
15x Explosive Tags
100m of Chakra Thread
5x Flash bombs

[i][b]Name of Weapon or Item:[/b][/i] Joyeuse
[b]Description:[/b] A smith used chakra-infused steel to create this staff so that Tōdai can channel his Chakra into the staff itself and use it as an origin point for his techniques, instead of his own body. This is the only special propriety it has. It is 3M long and is steel which makes it great for inflicting blunt trauma in and of itself. It can also be used with his Katon natured chakra to light both ends on fire, as if it was a baton made for fire dancing.

[b]Appearance:[/b] N/A


【Hiden Jutsu】

[b]Name of Hiden Jutsu:[/b] Shadow Manipulation
[b]Clan:[/b] Nara
[b]Description:[/b] The Shadow Manipulation is an old and sacred technqiue for the Nara Clan. Originating in capturing deer and imobilizing them to harvest their antlers for medicine, it became a secret technique shortly afterwards. It is recognized by the manipulation of one's own shadow or the shadow of others to various usages. It is primarily a Yin Release technique and requires a great deal of mental prowess and the ability to multi task. It is a very complicated Jutsu to successfully pull off, however it is also incredibly deadly. An old phrase cites the Nara's most definable trait as the odd places they put their kunai. And for good reason.

【[u]Canon Jutsu[/u]】

[url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Shadow_Imitation_Shadow_Bind_Technique] Kagemane Kage Shibari no Jutsu[/url]
[url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Shadow_Gathering_Technique]Kageyose no Jutsu[/url]
[url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Shadow_Imitation_Shuriken_Technique]Kagemane Shuriken no Jutsu[/url]
[url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Shadow_Imitation_Technique]Kagemane no Jutsu[/url]
[url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Shadow%E2%80%93Neck_Binding_Technique]Kage–Kubishibari no Jutsu[/url]
[url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Shadow_Sewing_Technique]Kage Nui no Jutsu (This is a technique Todai is [i]currently[/i] learning to use)[/url]
[url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Hiding_in_Shadow_Technique]Kageayatsuri no Jutsu[/url]
[url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Summoning_Technique]Kuchiyose no Jutsu[/url]

【[u]Summon [/u]】
[b]Name:[/b] Setsuko 節子
[b]Description:[/b] Setsuko is no one thing, rather, Setsuko is a swam of fireflies that can utilize chakra to create bioluminescence. They share a hive mind and thusly go by a single name. While their form of bioluminescence does take chakra it is incredibly bright. By themselves, they can create this incredibly bright light for approximately two minutes a day. However, they can also take the chakra from their contracted summoner to create more light if necessary, though this is fairly taxing.
[b]Abilities[/b] Their only notable abilities are communication with Tōdai and their special chakra bioluminescence. It should be noted that they are also capable of typical bioluminescence, though this is simply a dull yellow light.

【[u]Custom Jutsu[/u]】

[b]Name of Technique:[/b] Corps-a-Corps
[b]Type of Jutsu:[/b]  Bukijutsu, Hiden, Ninjutsu
[b]Rank:[/b] C
[b]Range:[/b] 5M
[b]Nature Type:[/b] Yin 
[b]Description:[/b] When attacking with his staff, Tōdai can utilize the shadow cast by the staff to increase the range of his Kagemane no Jutsu. All he must do is either strike the shadow of his opponent with the staff itself, or have the shadow’s connect with one another to successfully initiate the Jutsu. This can also be achieved by throwing the staff as long as Tōdai has already prepared the Jutsu within the staff itself. Making this staff as lethal as a katana as it can easily capture unwitting enemies.
[b]Weakness:[/b] Typical Nara weaknesses.

[b]Name of Technique:[/b] Redoublement
[b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Ninjutsu
[b]Rank:[/b] D
[b]Range:[/b] 15M
[b]Nature Type:[/b] Katon 
[b]Description:[/b]  Redoublement can be used through Joyeuse. It is a technique that has two, fairly specific uses. First the user releases a small but potent seeming ball of sparks that gleam with green red and yellow light. This ball of sparks is released either from the mouth of the user or through the top of Joyeuse should it be standing straight up. It flies through the air with a large amount of vigor. However, damage against another combatant is not the goal of this technique. It instead either surprises them, initiates an attack with Hiden Jutsu or even signal to someone else information. When the Jutsu is ready to be completed one must only perform the tiger handseal and the ball of sparks will explode into a beautiful and incredibly bright firework. Nara clan members obviously can use this to extend their shadow, or, even bring the shadow of someone else towards them. 
[b]Weakness:[/b] It’s just light, one can counteract this in a myriad of ways. Such as taking the opportunity of their opponent using non-lethal attacks to use their own much more lethal attacks.

[b]Name of Technique:[/b] Zwerchau 
[b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Hiden Ninjutsu, Bukijutsu
[b]Rank:[/b] C
[b]Range:[/b] Personal
[b]Nature Type:[/b] Yin
[b]Description:[/b] By using his Kageayatsuri no Jutsu on Joyeuse, Tōdai can place his staff in his own shadow. This has the obvious effect of seemingly being unarmed, but can also be used in a myriad of ways to surprise enemies. For example, he channel chakra through his feet to bring the staff up and out of his shadow. 
[b]Weakness:[/b] Fairly simple supplementary technique. Infer weaknesses based on information from before this.

[b]Name of Technique:[/b] Moulinet
[b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Hiden Ninjutsu
[b]Rank:[/b] B
[b]Range:[/b] Personal
[b]Nature Type:[/b] Yin
[b]Description:[/b] By performing a handseal of Tōdai’s own creation in which one touches the tips of their thumbs, index fingers, and ring fingers while connecting their middle fingers from the intermediate to proximal phalange. When doing so his shadow solidifies and becomes a small circle with tendrils that raise up out of said circle. There are five in total. Once this technique is complete he can fully control each of these tendrils with his mind, acting as five extra limbs in the form of a circle. They are also able to become sharp, much like a blade and still act as a shadow for any Jutsu that require one. However, with Tōdai’s lack of Taijutsu ability and the strain of this Jutsu he can have a hard time using it to its maximum efficiency. If Tōdai is able to stay still while using it, it can last a full two minutes. If he must move during the technique it will only last one minute. If he must run then it can only last about thirty seconds. Each tendril can stretch up to five metres and can block solid objects, though Ninjutsu that utilize more chakra can easily destroy them. 
[b]Weakness:[/b] Above.