[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/sjc6YPn.png [/img][/center] [color=Chartreuse]”what do you mean it costs 40 Eris? Just gimme the card!”[/color] “If it’s not paid for it won’t be official, you won’t get any of the benefits from the card as it will be considered stolen from the guild.” Luna was rather relieved when the goblin let go off her and dropped back to the floor. The small unkempt creature wearing rags, a small harness for her hammer, various poorly made bone and copper jewelry, a dire raccoon’s tail and a completely out of place ruby ring and satchel of books looked up at her in bemusement. She swore she had seen that bag and ring somewhere before. [color=Chartreuse]”...”[/color] There was a pause as the goblin worked all this through in her head. Suffice to say this took a little while but eventually she sighed, her long ears drooping in sadness. [color=Chartreuse]”I didn’t think this through did I”[/color] “You're also a monster in a building that hosts people trained to kill monsters, I suggest you leave before” At this very moment the door to the guild swung open and a young man who was missing a finger and wearing a floppy red hat with a white feather in it stepped inside, hungry for some breakfast. There was another long moment of silence as the man and goblin stared at eachother in shock. Then the man drew his sword, his face distorting into a picture of fury. “You!” [color=Chartreuse]”oh bugger”[/color] [hr] One of the windows of the adventurers guild shatters as a cruddy hammer is flung through it, closely followed by green blur. A moment after Rita lands outside a jet of flames burst through the ruined window, barely missing the goblin lass. Grabbing her hammer with her mouth the goblin scampers away from the enraged mage as fast as she can, running like a dog with a stick in it’s mouth until she breaks line of sight. Once she is shure her pursuer can't see her she scrambles up the side of the buildings and onto the rooftop to hide inside one of the chimneys. After a few suspenseful minutes she is pretty sure she has lost her pursuer and the soot covered goblin climbs out of the chimney. Then sits down with her back to the chimney, glumly looking over the strange human town she had come to. How was she supposed to get those stupid metal pieces humans valued so much? The book talked about going on quests and such to get them but she couldn’t do that without getting the card. Which she needed Eris to get. [color=Chartreuse]”Gah, why is everything so complicated now! Stupid humans and their stupid rules that make them powerful.”[/color] It was while she was staring over the town that she saw the lake beyond and realised she was A. hungry and B. covered in soot. She should probably solve those problems. [hr] A little while later after she had snuck out of the town, washed herself in the lake and managed to surprise a small fish with a well flung hammer (on the 27th try), the slightly damp goblin spotted the group of oddly clad humans (and a few non humans) that were unmistakably adventurers. By their general lack of equipment she guessed maybe they were new at this and so she snuck after them to find out how they were going to be getting money. What she managed to garner from what the the woman leading the group about said, using her large goblin ears to listen in while hiding in various places like round corners, outside windows and in bushes, was not encouraging. Who would pay a goblin to build or write? Who would consider her a good investment for a loan? Even if she got the adventuring card there was little in the way of that kind of work nearby. In hindsight this should have been obvious, after all she had had to walk for days to get here and up until a month ago she was part of one of those contracts. At least she wasn’t going to have to pay for lodgings like the humans. The humans and other non humans. The big people. civilized folks. Unlike the Big’uns she was used to living it rough and had no idea as to why they would waste money on things like beds, warm water, cooked food and roofs. The estate was however conveniently far from the town and suitably forested for her to maybe avoid being found by humans while sleeping. A random tree or bush would be perfectly fine lodgings for her. She stayed hidden in a nearby patch of greenery, ears straining to hear anything else that was said that might be useful, while pondering as to how she would get those 40 Eris. She could maybe try robbing the various new adventurers. That’s how she got the ring after all, thought that was a mixed blessing and curse. Trading her mob for brains was an unwanted bargain that she had yet to see whether it was beneficial or not. These next few weeks would no doubt be telling in that department. That might make her unwanted enemies however. Or get her killed. She was going to need more time to think about this.