[@ClocktowerEchos] Konosuba had peusedo stats yeah. It won't really be applied numerically until after you guys actually buy a card (again if you somehow got a card before you were suppose to, that card is faulty or fake). As for your stat allotment, you will not determine that. Me and my GM's will determine your stats based off what you do during the first part, like what sort of job you do or how you react to things that happen to you. [@Heckno12] I'm my entirely sure of the logic behind it myself, but yeah you need an adventuring card in order to advance. The way I interpret it though, you need an adventuring card in order to upgrade or gain abilities more easily. For example you could spend thirty years to become a master swordsman, gaining the strength and durability thanks to your training, all without a card. Or you could go on a bunch d quests and kill some powerful monsters and gain the same level of strength, skill, and endurance in ten years. Basically getting an adventure card makes it [i]easier[/i] for you to get stronger and gain skills, as well as serve as your membership card to the adventuring guild. Otherwise you can do the normal thing and spend years an years developing a skill or training your body.