Greetings everyone! I'm going to keep this short, currently I am trying to get back into role playing after not doing so for a few years, but I have a few years of experience role playing on other sites (I'm new on this one so tips are welcomed to a noob like me) and I figured doing a 1x1 would help me get back on my feet. I understand that most of us work or have things to do so I'm not in a rush to get a response from someone right away, but I do ask that you communicate with me if you're not going to reply for a few weeks or so. As for what genres I'm not too picky and have no problem doing something that I've never role played before so long as I understand what type of genre it is and the story we should be good (although no fandoms please like My Little Pony or Adventure Time, it's just something that doesn't interest me I'm sorry). I do like a role play with a story/goal and if you want there could be some romance, but I only know the MxF. I also like to do paragraphs when I'm role playing, but I can adjust to others style. As for ideas I will list them below so let me know if any of them interest you, or if you have some ideas feel free to share and we can try to work something out :) thank you for taking the time to read this and hope to RP with some of you! Genres/Ideas: - Demons - Werewolf - Animal DNA (had an idea of having an abandoned factory/building where they have hostages that they experiment animal DNA on them to see if they can make a super human or something of the sort. It was a thought) - Renaissance Era (we could make a story in the Renaissance Era or something) - Fantasy - Slice of Life (willing to try this) etc.