[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/sjc6YPn.png[/img] [@Spriggs27][/center] It was while Rita was pondering how to get money for her card that the strangest thing arrived. Rita had seen horses before, she had seen humans, she had never seen this odd combination of the two. Was it a half breed or some mad mages creation. She was not sure why either creation method would occur. How would the former even work. Rita was thankfully pulled out of her train of thought by the horse lady pulling out a bag and offering money for people to get adventurer cards. It was like they the universe was taunting her with easy solutions to problems then adding massive roadblocks in the way. Maybe she could disguise herself as a short human by stealing bed sheets and making a robe? [i]Wait. Where did the bush go?[/i] It was at this point Rita’s conscious mind caught up with the fact that she was making a beeline for the bag. She hadn’t quite got the hang of this whole thinking about things before she acted deal yet. As a result the hyper aggressive bit of her goblin mind had seen a thing she wanted and had got her body to charge it without consulting the more logical part that was taking advantage of the ring’s stat boost. The wee goblin committed to her course of action, her cover now blown anyway and increased her scampering pase. She crossing the space between her hiding spot and the horse lady in 3 seconds, dodging through the legs of the Big’uns as she went before leaping up past the bag, plunging a tiny hand inside and grabbing as many coins as she could manage. If the jumping were viewed in slow motion it would be seen that the goblin approached from the side of Yuji, then leaped in a flip so that she passed by the woman's field of view upside down, a toothy reckless grin on her face, as she plunged her hand down into the bag and withdrew some coins before landing nimbly on her feet. [color=Chartreuse]”Thankyouverymuchgoobye!”[/color] She shouted as she flew through the air. Then, carrying her momentum from the run-up and leap, she attempted a get away, sprinting for the closest embankment that lead to the lake, intending to lose any of her armored pursuers in the lake's waters or the surrounding foliage. She had shoved the random coins into the waterproof satchel and was running on all fours again, clawed hands and feet digging into the ground as she fled. [color=Chartreuse]”I’ll pay you back later!”[/color] If unhindered she would cannonball into the lakes shimmering waters and make for the closest heavily foliage area along the shore.