[color=ed1c24]"Ah, so many questions, so little time!"[/color] Xiang said with a chipper tone. She was no stranger to people giving her cute little nicknames, and these people seem so fresh they're practically premature. First she answered the mage looking man (Shiroe). [color=ed1c24]"Not sure! I can certainly see the appeal of sleeping out in this lovely countryside, but it tends to be a bit dangerous at night. The undead, vampire bats, and wilderness golems tends to prowl the countryside. They aren't a real menace and usually know better than to get close to the bunk house, but if they see easy prey I'm sure they'll take a bite! On the bright side, this would give you a good chance to experience what it's like to fight monsters, since other monsters tend to stay even further away from the city."[/color] Fran remembered fondly her times trying to slum it outside the city. She figured it was better than sleeping in the streets, but that was just a social stigma. Out here in the countryside, monsters roamed the night, and even places like farms weren't safe. Not only did the produce fight for their lives but sometimes wild monsters or animals would just wander around looking for an easy meal. And either way, city or country, it was still going to be cold. As for Shiroe's next question Xiang rubbed her head. [color=ed1c24]"Sowwy. I don't know. I've certainly taken quests from professors and other students at the college before, so I guess they might have a job for you. But officially? None that I can think of. Still it's a nice way to earn pay and usually pretty harmless. They usually just want you to gather some ingredients for them, though some of the more exciting professors may allow you to be part of their experiments!"[/color] Xiang had a lot of fun experimenting with different types of polymorphing spells. She only had to be a rock for 67 hours! It was a very enlightening experience. Glancing over at Shiroe and his card however, Xiang noticed something off. She didn't really bother looking closer or explaining and instead just blurted it out. [color=ed1c24]"That card's fake. If you had negative stats that would mean you're dead! Even negative luck would be something super unlucky would've happened to you, like the moon losing a bit of it self and on the the rocks landing on your face and killing you!"[/color] Xiang has seen this happen before when someone was cursed with a Luck of -1. He should have just given the old lady his bread. Soon after the noble owner of the estate had arrived. Yuji was kind enough to let a succubus take up residence in her home for a slightly reduced price if she did favors for Yuji. Unfortunately those favors weren't sexual, simply Xiang doing some chores around the house and handling things like tours. Still, 180 Eris a month was a good deal. Yuji was so kind and caring in fact, one of the first things she did before introducing herself was give everyone some money to buy their adventuring cards. [color=ed1c24]"Aw Yuji, you're a saint! If Eris saw you now she'd let you be one of her angels!"[/color] Xiang went over to Yuji to hug her just as a the owl man asked Xiang a question. [color=ed1c24]"The Adventuring Guild Hall of course! You can't miss it, it's at the center of town with this big symbol on it."[/color] Raising her hand into the air Xiang used a Silent Image to create the guild emblem for all to see. [color=ed1c24]"Just follow those signs and you'll reach the place in no time."[/color] Just then there was a disturbance in the water afar. Rita and Daveon would be the first to notice, Rita more so as it came directly at her. it was a Giant Toad! Or rather, a large-sized toad. It must have been a juvenile since it wasn't as huge as adult Giant Toads were. Still big enough to swallow Rita whole. And the trouble was that it wasn't just one, but a pack of four toads! Xiang noticed this and pointed it out to the others. [color=ed1c24]"Hey look everyone, Giant Toads! Well, more like Large Toads. They must be adolescence, they're usually bigger than that. Still some one must be going for a swim, they usually aren't this frenzied unless they see prey!"[/color] One of the toads went after Rita, his tongue not quite developed enough to shoot out a far distance, but he was still a fast swimmer. Much faster than Rita. Two more toads approached Daveon's camp, originally hunting fish but deciding to go after a more filling meal. One of the toads charged right towards him while another jumped twenty feet over Daveon to land behind him. In his camp. All 400 pounds of blue toad landing into the forest where Daveon had left his things. One more toad was coasting along the pier near the bunk house just watching. She knew better than to get close to the Bunk House knowing the dangers there, but she also wanted to see if anyone would be foolish enough to run into the water and be an easy meal for her. [@Spriggs27][@Lugubrious][@Skepic][@Heckno12][@ClocktowerEchos][@Lunarlors34][@DracoLunaris][@Bishop][@Dead Cruiser]