[hider= Loken] [b]Full Name[/b]: Classified [b]Known[/b] as: (Callsign) Loken [b]Species[/b]: Human [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Age[/b]: 30 [b]Vocation[/b]: Naval Intelligence Officer - Special Operations Group [hider= Appearance][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/38/05/e5/3805e50498b735dbc8885060214ec143.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/fc/2d/3f/fc2d3ffea46c2ae9d77ab8efac1c705a.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]History[/b]: Callsign Loken is the name of an agent belonging to the Ministry of Defence's Department of Intelligence. Heavily involved in the events which followed the discovery of The Nomad by his department a few years before his birth. He, and those like him, were left to pick up the pieces of what had been discovered, and keep the truth of the extent of the damage hidden from the masses. He and his department had been those who, along with a few departments of scientists, had discovered the means by which to destroy The Nomad and disable its armies during humanities most desperate hour. Prior to being known only as Loken, he was a thorough military man, having served in a airborne infantry regiment of the army, taking part in a number of colonisation efforts, quelling insurrections, crushing rebellions, scouring for insurgents, and otherwise securing the peaceful ways of the UWG. Having served for a decade in the army, he passed selection into a branch of the army's special forces, specialising in reconnaissance, counter-insurgency, misinformation, counter-insurgency, training loyalists in planetary separatist civil wars, and so on. He was a skilled soldier, observer, instructor, was at the peak of his physical fitness, and was brutally uncompromising, loyal to the UWG in ways that those outside the departments of intelligence or the armed forces may not understand. These skills and traits are what lead to him being tapped on the shoulder by Department of Naval Intelligence, the largest, most heavily funded and most authoritative of the intelligence branches. It was at that point that Loken was born, and the preceding life he lead ceased to exist on all records. During his career in the Naval Intelligence Loken has trained anti-insurrectionists, taken part in assassinations, brokered clandestine deals with planetary leaders outside the UWG, and lead combat teams in numerous search and seizure missions in space. The most striking part of his career was his involvement in the recent defeat of The Nomad. Having taken part in the physical battle in space above Earth and leading a team in assistance of the weapon being deployed, Loken played a major role, as did those under his command. Following the war, Loken has lead a small team of five men aboard a number of vessels to numerous planets in efforts to gather evidence of their weapon, and to control the information that was exposed to the public. [b]Miscellaneous[/b]: Unofficially in command of the UWG Scythian.[/hider]