I is alive and well, gotta get back in the swing. Anyway here is that jukebox wielding human I was refining, then getting distracted from finishing, before just giving up entirely then making him all over again. [hider=My Hider] Appearance: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/5a/b2/7d/5ab27da4540d0687c75cf2d37f96c65e.jpg[/img] Name: Capala Spark Age: 19 Class: [s]Useless[/s] Rogue Race: Human Reputation: A high-school drop out from some generic shitty, poor family with connections with drugs, gangsters, etc. Capala was naturally hating his situation in life. He wanted nothing to do with his family, nothing to do with the constant threats from both gangsters and police officers alike, the looks he got from others on the street. Everything, he was over everything. The only thing he had in life was his car, which he crashed during a street-race when some douchebag cheated him in a race he should've won easily till he was bumped. But it couldn't possibly get any worse right? Weeellll, it could. One day he was shopping late at night, I mean who doesn't do buy their groceries at 1AM, and he came about some scumbag trying to rob some stupid lovey dovey couple who had stupidly walked into a dark alley, probably to do something stupid and lecherous only to be held up. Oh well, wasn't his problem, right? That was until the couple did something stupid and got stabbed, meaning he had just witnessed a murder. Typically shitting himself and fleeing the scene, only to be swiftly run over by a police car on patrol and thus ending his life. Oh, suppose it could get better rather than worse. Being alive would be worse than being dead right? No one would miss some low-life, good for nothing, scumbag like himself. But instead of Charon greeting him to take him down the river styx, he was greeted by a beautiful girl? Well he would prefer a pretty girl over some crabby old man anyday. Much to his own shock however, the girl told him that she was here to 'take him to another world to have a second shot at life'. Yeah, save the bullshit. Capala, believing he must've survived and just having some strange hallucination, or more believable that this was all just some super strange dream, decided to go with her story and upon her asking what he wished to bring with him his first thought was to say 'you' but decided of something even better. He told her in a very, very, very, VERY obviously sarcastric and dry tone that he wanted to bring 'a magical, floating invisible and invincible jukebox that played music to suit the situation' with him to the new world. Not realising he was joking, the goddess sent him with his jukebox which only he could see to the Konosuba world, where he awoke in horror to find out that not only was she telling the truth; he had missed the chance to actually get SOMETHING FUCKING USEFUL, or at least a beautiful girl to tag along! Personality: Sarcastic and cynical to a fault, 'Cap' is a person who isn't afraid to get his own hands dirty to achieve his aims. He clashes with other people often, and when your motto is 'to beat the crap out of your problems' it means he tends to have fractured, at best, relationships with others. It also means he gets beat up a lot, as size differences mean NOTHING to him. If you're causing him a problem, he just needs to beat you up! Due to his constant fighting, this means he tends to always have a bandage or two on his person, or at least a bruise or a wound of some kind. He also seems to have a heavy bias against weapons, calling anyone who uses them 'cowards' and 'weaklings' for having to depend on a weapon to win [s]coming from the scrub who can barely fight, this is quite laughable[/s]. He gets quite upset whenever anyone calls him out on his lack of fighting ability, despite always seeming to be in one. Capala is also easily agitated, if it wasn't obvious, and has a short temper most of the time. He also loves putting up a 'tough guy facade' simply to try and impress girls, sometimes just completely ignoring the situation. However his personality can take a complete 180 when 'behind the wheel', changing to that of someone with the confidence and belief that he can take on the entire world, win and do it three times over with ease. Skills: Hand to hand combat ability of; angry, angsty teenager who is sulking cause his internet went down. God-tier drifting skills, for what it's worth in the konosuba world Belongings: A rusty old dagger he picked up. Looks like it might break if one looked at it too long. His magical, floating, invisible and invincible jukebox which blasts music at obnoxious levels of volume. At least most of the music is good, but sometimes the music selected doesn't make sense (like happy, dance music while being chased by a monster trying to eat him) contrary to his wish. He also can't use it as a shield, cause it floats about 20 FUCKING FEET IN THE AIR. Though birds and flying creatures must hate him. Makeshift crossbow, big enough to launch some small rocks and has a habit of breaking due to the fact he uses fucking ordinary string. [/hider]