Terry wasn't surprised when another student made it to the room where he was waiting, he assumed the class would be rather large. He didn't take a good look at Jamin, just continued staring off at the wall in front of him while leaning on the wall, Aaron on the ground crouched down and growling, looking ready to attack. 

"Yes, it's locked, I'm assuming our teacher is currently busy with something." He glanced down at his Pokemon

"Grrrooove..." He growled, Terry nudged him with his foot. "Don't mind him, he won't hurt you." [i]Hopefully[/i] He thought. The reptilian Pokemon's leaves ruffled a bit, and he climbed up on his trainer's dropped backpack.

From across the hall, more students began to gather, presumably everybody else in this class. From the opposite direction, an older man sprinted down the hall carrying a massive pile of papers, binders, and books. With some occasionally scattering behind him. "Dammit I'm going to be late again," he muttered as he managed to get up to the door and fumbled for his keys while trying, and failing, to not drop any papers.

Behind him, at a leisurely pace, a Gardevoir walked up and telekinetically sorted all the papers into a pile. She held them lightly and smiled for her trainer, and he thanked her quietly. Mr. Adams opened his classroom and walked in with Gardevoir in tow. "Ah, come in, come in everybody, we're behind schedule as is!"