[hider= Thebes ] [b]Full Name:[/b] UWSC Portcullis Class Combat AI 0984-Thebes [b]Known as:[/b] Thebes [b]Species:[/b] Human Combat AI [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider= Picture ] [img]http://i1194.photobucket.com/albums/aa365/Catharyn_F_Harrison/Character%20Pictures/Charrievictorian_zps905b7394.jpg[/img][/hider]Thebes was created in the above state and will likely never deviate from the original design. When displayed as a hologram, his avatar is never more than 50 centimetres tall and usually either blue, yellow or red. Commands and complex segments of code are often visible moving around his surface area. [b]Age:[/b] 1 [b]Vocation:[/b] Currently chief consultant AI (security) for RX3248 [b]Personality: [/b] Thebes was built from a blueprint that almost guarantees greatness, but ensures conformity. AIs have very rigidly set personality vectors which allow a certain amount of spontaneity and irregularity, but anything beyond set limits is 'compromised','broken' or worse 'defunct'. Thebes is one such compromised AI. While technically a superb defensive minded combat AI, Thebes has been known to contradict, question and otherwise disobey orders, which is a big no no in a main-line military AI. He is brilliant in his tactical knowledge, stubborn once he formulates a plan, skittish and loudmouthed when debating with Humans. He can come across as very childish and extremely sage in the same conversation, with analysts theorising he has developed some kind of mild AI schizophrenia. [b]History:[/b] Brought to life in Jasek Heavy Industries' Tel Aviv AI mega factory, concerns were raised even from initial testing about his personality. However these were largely ignored as the need for functional AIs was too great to start throwing them away. Thebes was pressed immediately into service fighting The Nomad with minimal training. His first mission was on a destroyer guarding transports carrying Helium-3 for reactor engines. They were detected coming out of FTL travel by a group of The Nomad's recon pickets, who turned tail and raced back to where they would be in range to contact a nearby fleet. Contradicting direct orders for the destroyer to remain with the convoy and remain on course, Thebes took control of the vessel and gave chase to the pickets, destroying them just before they could transmit. His prediction of success was well below the 95% margin for such a transgression to be even vaguely acceptable. Thebes was taken in for further testing and found to have a compromised personality vector. Statutes protecting the basic rights of AIs meant that he was ineligible for decommission. The UWSC did the next best thing and transferred him to RX3248, a small colony with very limited defense infrastructure. Thebes was installed as its resident consultant AI. This meant he was charged with controlling the colony's defenses and liaising with human security officers. Because his processing power proved to be an asset in other areas, he was given clearance to assist the Science Station and logistics at the Spaceport too in no time. [b]Miscellaneous: [/b] Thebes loves playing games of any kind, and will accept any offer to take part in them. So much so that he has dedicated one substrate to the pursuit and will readily limit his processing power for the task. This gives the other players a chance and allegedly gives him a bit of a kick too. In the same grain, Thebes also loves gambling, but will only partake for favors as he is disinterested in other forms of currency.[/hider]