[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/sjc6YPn.png[/img][/center] Rita simply stared in disbelief, her eyes as wide as saucers, ears drooping her once threateningly raised hammer falling to the ground, as the toad launched itself into the air and from her perspective seemed to expanded to twice its original size. [color=Chartreuse]”I didn’t think this through”[/color] She whimpers with an air of finality just before a bolt of lightning appears out of nowhere, slamming into her impending doom and knocking it of course. Bizarrely the bolt appeared to have been a human all along as a fancily dressed young lady plummeted into the water along with her target. She shook off her surprise in an instant, gripping her hammer in two hands and charging recklessly towards the beast, leaping an impressive distance into the air and clobbering the toad on the noggin with an flying overhead strike with her hammer. After landing onto of the beast she raised her hammer again in preparation to deliver a thorough beating, but briefly paused and called to the human. [color=Chartreuse]”Thanks for saving my skin lady”[/color] It was at this point she noticed that her savior had not resurfaced and in the place she had landed there was only a stream of bubbles. It was probably a really bad thing to let someone who saved your life die so Rita, after quickly holstering her hammer, jumped off of the dazed creature and into the water again. Wither her small but disproportionately powerful limbs she swam down into the depths after the bubbles, hoping to catch a glimpse of the woman so she cold help her resurface.