Cassandra slowly opened her eyes, her arms extending out in an exhausted stretch. Wait, this wasn't the bed she'd fallen asleep in. Shitty as it was, it wasn't quite this hard and flat. Pushing herself into a sitting position with her elbows, it became readily apparent that she was, in fact, in some sort of forest. That definitely shouldn't be the case, she had been in that shit-stain of a hotel last she'd looked. Pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration, the brunette woman pushed herself to her feet, instinctively reaching out for her glasses only to realize the nightstand was (of course) not there. "Aw fuck me," she muttered. "What now?" Feeling a slightly pressure in her back pocket, she blinked in confusion, reaching back to feel the familiar bulge of her glasses case. "...Alright then. Sure, whatever. I'll take it." After donning her glasses, the magus began her trek through the forest, listening carefully to the ambiance surrounding her. After several minutes of walking in a straight line down a worn path in the underbrush, she came upon...a door. Literally just a door, sitting there. "What the this some kind of reality marble?" It could be a trap...but who was she kidding? She'd already been caught in it. Reaching out to turn the handle, she pushed her way inside, casting a wary gaze to her surroundings.