Snrk! Sounds pretty entertaining, and risky ;3 considering that 'hostile AI fear' was played up in the past.
Though actual AI were 'avoided' being made in this world, so that half would have to come from somewhere as well, or perhaps be caused by the addition of a sentient being to the endoskeleton XD

Although, by spliced perfectly down the middle, do you mean 'literally' bisection down the middle with elf on one half and endoskeleton on the other half? I could see him being in desperate need of some artificial skin, heheh. Or do you mean perfectly spliced in the sense of the endoskeleton replacing his own bones?

also, interesting way to get around how any human with an endoskeletal implant would've suffered some form of horrifying death when changing XD

I'm also planning to play someone who has a few augments on the more 'compatible' side that won't get him killed... but will be hilariously inconvenient until he gets them remodeled.

Well the A.I isn't free thinking as such, but it has operational parameters that it tries to carry out at every given turn. I'm thinking that it's a military/security android, programmed to destroy all "Non-Company Entities". Since the world went to hell, and with the companies all in ruins or otherwise absent, the android's CPU is in a constant hostile state. As far as it is concerned, everyone not carrying company I.D is a threat and must be ... terminated! 

However, for the rest of my character to be plausible, I need to ask if the following is okay:

I would like for the Elf part of my character to be from another world, if you would be permit this. I'm thinking that the current world's cataclysm caused some kind of disturbance across space and time, and my Elf, being a powerful mage, decided to take a closer look at the situation to see what was happening. During this expedition though, something goes horribly wrong, and he ends up fusing with the android. He then becomes stuck on the planet, with no way of getting home, but with a sole determination to reverse the cataclysm (even if it can't actually be reversed!). Using the android's inbuilt database, he'll be able to gleam details of events leading up to the planet's collapse, and go off to try and fix the situation if he is able. 

Once I've got your answer on that, I can go into a bit more detail of how this half Elf, half android functions, and more importantly, what the state of his genitals are! (teehee)

Now I know you said you sometimes have trouble telling people "No!" when they suggest or say something you think would be bad for the RP, so I'm fully prepared to back away from this idea and approach from another angle. I'm in the early planning phase, so I'm happy for you to shut me down now - rather than let me go through all the effort of creating a character sheet and then telling me that it wouldn't work. :)