[quote=@DracoLunaris] [@Shoryu] did the change cause similar mutations to people in the same area? or is it extremely sporadic with nobody in the same building getting the same change. is there even any possibility for duplicates? Also I may be awful at drawing but an mspaint community world map sounds loads of fun [/quote] I may actually suggest that anyone interested attempt to make a world map >3> I'll drum up an 'extreme simplified barebones' version, and anyone who wants to could refine it further >3> Aaaand, It is a very chaotic change, there's no real rhyme or reason behind, at least none 'currently' recognizeable, behind the pattern of mutations, or lack there of in rare cases, that it causes. Of course, duplicates, and highly similar cases, are entirely possible, just not likely.... at least, not outside the failures anyway ;p