[center][h1][url=http://i.harem-battle.club/images/2016/05/31/V7mRBQ.png][b][color=a187be]Anemone Violette Fulgur[/color][/b][/url][/h1][/center] Anemone contemplated life as she sank, wondering briefly as to where she had gone wrong in that she could mess up that badly. But there was another reason as to why she was sinking, she simply had stopped moving. Not because she was hurt from the impact, nor was she tired from running full speed at the frog. She was instead taking a moment to recharge the electricity she had used to move like that. It wasn't a huge deal since she hadn't done much but run in a dead-straight line over a fair distance, but it was still enough for concern if she wanted to fight this thing. Besides, it seemed like it wasn't coming after her and if there was something she had learnt so far; it was during a fight, a moment to rest was too rare to pass up. Though she was a little worried by how far she had sunk. Her armour wasn't that heavy, was it? It was really only quarter armour, at best, to be honest but still. Jeez. Reaching onto her back, she unclipped the pike she always kept strapped there and now straightened herself up. A small amount of electricty sparked off of her, but it wasn't enough for the sheer volume of water around her to be effected. The next moment, Rita would feel an incredible rush of water shoot past and knock her off-course as Anemone rocketed back up and aimed herself straight at the back of the toad, pike out in front to impale it with the sheer force of her takeoff and speed. But if impacted upon, the result probably wouldn't be too different. She would bounce off and skid back across the lake, though this time a lot more gracefully, but her pike would become embedded in the toads flesh. For what it was worth anyway, it might be akin to a really bad splinter or maybe being stabbed by a stick but it would still hopefully hurt the oversized bastard!