*Mergoux pauses as the gun is aimed at her then shakes her helmeted head* Mergoux: Fine. You don't need my help. *She walks over to the Knight and grabs him by the throat to stop him writhing, before yanking her bolt out of his shoulder with a sharp tug* *The knight roars in pain as Mergoux steps back* Mergoux: You heard the lady. Get up scum, time to take you to your 'friends' *The knight staggers to his feet, hobbling because of the footshot, and pressing his hand into the shoulder wound, trying to stop the bleeding.* *He snarls at both of them and spits at Jillian* Knight: I'm not done with either of you! I'll have you swinging in the breeze before this is over! *Mergoux remains silent, moves behind the knight and gives him a kick in the pants to get him moving* *The knight glares at them both with hateful malice and goes towards the outside* *Iris holds Hanna to her* Iris: Well, if someone bad comes towards us, then I'll pick you up and we'll run. Just like we ran from the lab okay? *She smiles, trying to put on a brace face for Hanna* *Anderson walks up to Lecter* Anderson: What is the meaning of this!? You dare stand in the way of the Oakleaf Knights!?