[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/150587651970433024/325541840835313666/Daveon.png[/img][/center] [center][h2][color=Gold]Daveon Serpenthelm[/color][/h2][/center] Over half a dozen fish had been speared out of the shallows before Daveon had left the uncomfortable feeling of cold water flowing against his exposed legs and returned to his camp to dry off and put on his leg armor again, since you could never be too careful. Fish wrapped in a damp cloth by his unlit firepit, Daveon struck the sharpened stick into the soft dirt and took embraced his staff out of habit. It was his anchor in an otherwise unfamiliar sensation of uncertainty. There truly was nothing he could think of to make money. Perhaps it would be better to travel to where the monsters had gone off to and hope for an opportunity to strike up some coin. Plans changed based on new information.. The stomp of something heavy brought him out of the timid thoughts of a simple man and into the trained reactions of a warrior like his father. Scooping up the damp fish sack in one hand he turned swiftly on his heel to bring the sack up, blocking the toad aiming for his chest. The mucus coated tongue hit the fish pouch and retracted, tearing it and his dinner along with into the creatures waiting maw. There would be time to mourn that later.. The noise now at his back didn't leave much time to think of his next move so Daveon simply jumped to the side, blissfully unaware of how close the toads tongue had come to striking him in what some might call a potentially fatal lick. With no other options and the two briefly dealt with the plan was set; kill the frogs, eat them, catch more fish. Getting to his feet, Daveon prepared to meet the beasts head on.. Though he was positive this ended badly for him. His staff functioned as a mace on one side and a sort of spear on the butt end, but these things were massive. Odds are the mace end would prove ineffective if it did not strike hard against an area of thin flesh.. [color=gold]"Maybe next time I camp out closer to town.. Damn frogs."[/color] Daveon mumbled under his breath.