[center][i][b]Ragnar~ Fairy Tale Land: Northern Forest.[/b][/i][/center] Ragnar was silent, and still, in his position among the bushes of the forest. His arms drawn up in a series of curves, whilst holding the figure of a bow. He smiled as the modernized format of the recurve bow began to twitch in his arms. The string tightened, the wood shifted, and his left arm straightened out while his right one bent back and held the string tight. He stood slowly, just out from behind a tree, and held his posture a moment along with his breath. He then, with the release of his breath, released the string and slung the notched arrow forward. The simple, field-point, arrowhead swirled through the air tightly before sliding just in behind the left shoulder of a stag, and continuing in through the vital organs, before stopping halfway through. The mighty stag leaped forward in one movement, but landed on it's chest as it's legs gave way through the jump and it's body slowed to a dead still. Ragnar took a moment, not only to ensure the stag was deceased, but to also ensure there was nothing stirred up around him, and when he stopped his listening he proceeded forward. He pulled a couple of blades from his belt and smiled as he dug them into the cervine beast one by one, until each had done it's job and the deer was processed. Once he had it all separated, he divided the deer up into specific sacks and he began dragging it home, but it was no mere easy task. He was carrying everything possible: Hide, Antlers, Meat, and even the skull and some bones.It took him a few hours to drag all of the stuff back to the small town he had been staying in, and when he arrived there was a small mustering of children to greet him,alongside a few elderly folk sitting together. The majority of the present people seemed excited that he had taken such a grand kill, for their nestled town of no more then several households could share this beast and feed themselves for a short time, before he would have to go off again. He dropped off sections of the meat to each household, and then he dropped the hide off at the resident tanner, while leaving the antlers with the local smith to made into knife handles. The skull however was placed inside his own home, upon the wall. While it seemed less of a trophy without the antlers, it was more of a reminder. It was his reminder that you can be a hunter, without being a beast. --- [center][i][b]Lillian Red~ Fairy Tale Land: West of the Northern Forest, along a beaten path to the Northern City.[/b][/i][/center] Lillian strolled along, her shoes scuffing the ground ever so slightly, with her vibrant hair flowing, and her figure enveloped in a smooth, white, sundress. The dress was then wrapped in a pleasant pink-creme colored apron. Her arms bore a basket on each side, one on her left filled with various vials of seasoning and the one on the right was filled with all manner dried herbs. Both baskets were rather large, but long in the manner of flower baskets, and swayed softly as she made her way along the heavily traveled path. Her brilliantly colored orbs surveyed the way along from behind her glasses with a spectacular allure to the vibrant land. Her eyes wandered, and so did her mind, as she continued further and further forward. Her mind slowly slipped into it's world, something that is hard to imagine in the land of fairy tales, but it did so quickly nonetheless. She became so wrapped up in her thoughts and mental images, that she nearly missed the oncoming carriage of runaway horses, it was only by the luck of the screaming coachmen that she snapped into reality and leaped to the side. The wagon stirred up s fuss of men and women near the town, as well as a cloud of dust and dirt that covered Lillian in a thick coat. She huffed and choked on the dust a moment before laying her baskets down and wiping herself off somewhat, and then proceeded to the city of the Northern Kingdom.