I believe that claiming elitism in this scenario can be a bit of a misguided claim. For instance the topic of this debate is [color=f7941d][i]"If it does not concern my character, or is not a GM post, it does not necessarily need to be read."[/i][/color]

As I said before I believe this to be false. To back up that claim please keep in mind how the size of the post, whether it is 2 paragraphs or 20, should not not factor into this equasion, so that includes Free Roleplayers all the way through to Advance. The GM could have quite possibly given some important information to a player for them to write about in their post, so wouldn't you become the fool if you did not take note of something quite important. On top of all this I believe it's just simple respect, give and take, on the belief that your post will be read by your fellow players.

Also want to tackle the bad roleplayer comment and that connection to elitism... Someone can be both a great story teller and a horrible roleplayer. I know of some people that are bad roleplayers ([url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4298840]like the player that edited out ALL my collab work from OUR collaboration without telling me[/url]) but for me to state that they are bad roleplayers may not be not an opinion, but a fact. Does this mean it is an elitist view? Not always. 

However, I may have digressed from the topic at hand and that can be discussed more in a later thread.

Now with the other comment of large, long term roleplays roleplays; I can understand not wanting to read dozens of pages of lore, posts, and meaningless events. In those situations it does come down to the GM to bring the new players up to speed on what's happening, but that new player needs to make some kind of effort and not expect everything to be handed to them on a silver platter.

In one of our roleplays we had a couple people that joined a later season with two of them going back and reread all the work, while a separate member did a Q&A with us so they could understand the world and story so far. Both scenarios worked out well but this is for people signing into a new roleplay, which again is not tackling the question of [color=f7941d][i]"If it does not concern my character, or is not a GM post, it does not necessarily need to be read"[/i][/color] as this would assume you are already in the said roleplay.