[center][i]Ominar, Victorious Secrets[/i]
interacting with: 
[@FallenReaper]'s Lily 
[@Raijinslayer]'s Damian[/center][hr]

Laying down on an big, early Victorian bed, Corinna was playing with her web in her hand. The sadistic, cruel and beautiful monster from the horror stories told on the streets looked just like a normal young woman. Laying down on her belly with her legs up while playing with her webs, she had a refreshing, jovial air, different from the noble and regal air she passed when near others. Her movements were naturally graceful, even in that careless pose.
[color=black]"Enough! I can't deal with this anymore... There is literally nothing to do!"[/color] she said, getting up with a small jump and starting wearing her black dress.
[color=black]"It should be ok by now to go out..."[/color] She said, walking down the long hall leading to the front door, as she thought about her last 'meal', and what happened with Lewis, the poor man which she broke a few months ago...

[hider=About Lewis, Corinna's last prey.]

Thanks to her last 'meal' which, she had to admit, was a bit extravagant, even for her, stories about her have started to appear around the town. Most of them, told by a man named Lewis.
Lewis wasn't a young man. But he boasted an incredible vitality and body for his 62 years. With a body hard as stone, marked by years and years of hard labor and an enviable vitality, he boasted to have an unbreakable will. Although he was relatively wealthy, he has humble roots, which only accentuated his charm. The first time Corinna laid her eyes upon him, she immediately turned him into the object of her interest. His toned body, was still beautiful, his words were strong and firm. He was gentle, his humble origins and amicable personality, coupled with his unwavering honor and sense of justice, made him well known and respected amongst some parts of the city.
But even with all that, she could just wonder... how long would it take for her to crush everything to dust? To crush all that determination?
After she was done with him, the man was left into a pitiful state. Only a shell of his former self, he spent his days on bars, getting drunk and telling tales about his golden years and about the mysterious lady which almost killed him.

[color=black]"How long it was since I last got out?"[/color] Corinna thought to herself, stepping out of her mansion after a long time.
[color=black]"Lets see how much things have changed after  months..."[/color] she said, with a mischievous smile on her face, as she calmly walked down the small hill on the very border of the town, where her house was located.
It was pretty boring having to stay trapped inside her house for so long. After so much time, a walk on the town would certainly be very refreshing.

As she walked down the streets, Corinna could feel the other's stares, looking at her while she passed. She was already used to that. Being noted, being seen, was indeed satisfying after so much time. Just like a painting, her elegant body was made to be appreciated. She didn't feel offended by being looked at. More than just something to be appreciated, her body was one of her weapons.

The streets were busy as always.
[color=black]"Where should I start? Hmm... maybe I'll try the nightclub?"[/color] she said, discreetly licking her lips with a giggle. She knew she should be a little more careful, but she couldn't help it. 

[i][color=black]"Oh~... I guess I've already found something to entertain myself with."[/color][/i] she thought to herself, after seeing a shy young boy with red hair bumping into a tall redheaded woman, which was very eager to flirt with him.

[color=black]"Pardon me, I couldn't help but see what happened from distance."[/color] Corinna said, approaching the boy with a kind smile on her face.

[color=black]"Are you two ok? It sure was a rough bump."[/color] She asked, looking to the boy then to the tall woman. The woman was so much more taller than the boy, and a good bit taller than Corinna herself.

The boy had mentioned something about working on the shop. Although she had heard some things about it, she never entered it before.
[color=black]"You said you work on this store, right? I've never entered it before, although I've heard some quite fantastic tales about it! Would you mind giving me a little tour around the store?"[/color] she asked, with a sweet expression.