[@Dynamo Frokane] I edited a bit of information in my Mech Bio, basically explaining ECM in more detail just in case someone who doesn't know what ECM is comes along and reads it, I also added just a tiny bit of survivability by adding one more ECM module rather than having just one, however, I understand that these sudden changes may be unwelcome and I can revert them back if you so choose. [quote=Quote under installed tech and countermeasures] [b]Type-2 ECM Smoke release system[/b] -Allows the mech to evade missile lock while also covering the battlefield with smoke, there are two modules installed in thrasher, the factory standard used IR-Flares instead of ECM for cost reasons. each module is one-time-use only. (Brief context in ECM or Electronic Counter Measure, the smoke messes with guidance, and lock-on-systems, this helps Thrasher run away from its target and also disappear from radar and other such devices for a brief period of time, this does not however affect thermal imaging but will affect heat seekers, so dumb fire or a weapon that directly fires at a target is advised when faced with ECM Smoke chaff.) [/quote] EDIT: Also, thanks for the quick response about the starting location and about the missions, makes me feel like I'm in skyrim again.