[center][color=fff200][h2]Yuji Roien[/h2][/color]
[@Lucius Cypher][@Lugubrious][@Zelosse][/center] 

Yuji watched as the demon took off to the sky with her crimson blade, she looked as if she was gonna have the time of her life going to save someone, she was truly an odd little demon, instead of flying over, she ended up just flying higher up into the clouds and disappeared, the centaur sighed and removed her blade as she charged off to the toad attempting to eat the owl man, Yuji unsheathed her blade as she closed in on the monster toad, time to go and save her money from the mouths of these toads. 

The centaur sliced the toad's arm, then spun around and reared her back legs and bucked the large toad back a couple inches, while it wouldn't kill the toad on the spot, it should've been enough to make the toad cough up the owl man and throw him up. Yuji flipped her sword around in her hand and held it backwards, she brought the sword across the toad's large gut, she then went to cut its other arm. Yuji circled around after cutting the toad's gut, she held out her arms in order to catch the owl man as the toad would be too in pain to keep hold of the adventurer. 

As she waited for the owl man to land in her arms, she noticed Devon's situation look a little more grim, then she noticed the tree that one of the toads latched it's tongue to a tree that couldn't be uprooted, she noticed the figure holding the tree and decided to give them a hand. The centaur held her sword as if it was a javelin and aimed for the toad's tongue, Yuji threw her sword at the toad's tongue, hoping that it would slice through its tongue or at least even hit the toad at all. While she waited there unarmed, Yuji began wondering where Xiang went and why she wasn't doing as she said she was going to do and give the camper a hand.