[@Lugubrious][@Lucius Cypher][@Spriggs27][@DracoLunaris][@Skepic][@Dead Cruiser] [center][h1][url=http://i.harem-battle.club/images/2016/05/31/V7mRBQ.png][b][color=a187be]Anemone Violette Fulgur[/color][/b][/url][/h1][/center] Anemone wouldn't lie, being disregarded by the toad as it continued it's attack on the goblin was pretty insulting in her eyes. She had attacked the damned thing; the least it could was attack her back! Jeez. This was the difference between monsters and humans. Manners and etiquette in battle. Well anyway, with the toad focusing on Rita it did make her job a lot easier-wait, what was that goblin doing? Anemone stared blankly as the goblin charged at the toad, screaming at the top of her lungs like a maniac and swinging the hammer around to match. It was a rather bemusing sight. What happened next wasn't however, as she watched the goblin jump up... .... And whack the priceless, one of a kind, legendary weapon Fulgar like it was an oversized nail. There were no words to describe how insulted and infuriated that action made Anemone feel. [color=a187be]"Oi! Be careful with that. That's a family heirloom, not a nail."[/color] Anemone growled irritably at the goblin, frowning heavily as she considered her next move. She had to retrieve Fulgar, but if it wasn't stuck in the toad before thanks to that goblin; it certainly was now. Shrugging her shoulders, she decided to do the one thing she knew she could. Charge straight at the thing at full throttle. While it had her back turned to it, she made her move to get atop it's head and grasp onto Fulgar. [color=a187be]"Static Shock."[/color] While the move itself was weak, it was being enhanced by the fact that the pike had been stabbed straight into the toad and thus she could channel the spell into the toad. Hopefully it would kill the thing, but it was doubtful. Though having electricity channel straight into your nerves wouldn't be a pleasant experience to say the least. Her next move would be to try and rip Fulgar out of the toad, though the success of such a move remained to be seen. [center][h1][url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/5a/b2/7d/5ab27da4540d0687c75cf2d37f96c65e.jpg][b][color=ed1c24]Capala Spark[/color][/b][/url][/h1][/center] Capala had had enough of these losers flailing about with their weapons. First it was that retarded goddess who couldn't tell a joke from a slice of cheese, yes it was that bloody bad, and now while he had been wandering around with this group of fellow wannabes and rejects, lead by a pep talking, annoying succubus, inspecting a potential place to actually work out the literal fuck kind of situation he had found himself in in this world, it had been attacked by Giant Toads. Of all bloody things, Toads? Oh well. Shouldn't be that tough right? Well, if how his fellow beginner adventurers were struggling was anything to go off of; they were all going to die. Killed by Toads, not exactly the way he thought anyone could go to be honest. Ignoring the Toad being assaulted by lightning girl and a small, green goblin Capala grabbed the bottom edge of his gloves and pulled it tightly. As he did, a loud burst of [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sk1Q-BFgnPM]sound[/url] could be heard from the heavens. It felt like a concert was being played above of them, and while it might've hurt the ears of the others it didn't seem to bother Capala. While he wouldn't say he was used to it persay, he was kinda used to the volume of that damned floating piece of junk. Yes, the floating, invisible jukebox he had sarcastically asked from that air headed goddess. He still regretted saying that, but it was too late to change it so he would just have to live with it. Feeling the music begin to motivate him, as he always found himself motivated by music, he ran over to the Toad which had just recently lost a couple of limbs and decided to inflict some more possible pain on it, delivering a couple of quick punches before unsheathing his crappy, rusted dagger and going to stab it. As much as he hated the thing, and weapons in general, he doubted his fists could really damage the thing so this was worth at least a shot.