[hider=William Fry] Full Name: William Fry Known as: Will Species: Human Gender: Male Age: 46 Appearance: [hider=My Hider] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/1b/bd/4d/1bbd4d5ecf551c0fbb74b70096d9f9e0--sci-fi-characters-sci-fi-art.jpg[/img] [/hider] Vocation: ex-fighter pilot Now a shuttle driver. Personality: William always puts up a smile even in the worst of situations. Cracks a joke at the worsts of times and has a problem with authority. He really is terrible for military life but then again when most of the military got wiped out they really stop being picky. Anyway The man does tend to have a good heart even though its buried under miles of concrete. In fact he isn"t even sure if he has a heart since he is 90% procent cybernetic. But at the end of the day he will always have your back. Though he does have a small distaste for scientist since they did kinda wake up a big scary monster. History: |William was born on Luna as an only child in a military family. This kinda meant that he really had no choice in what he wanted to become. The choice has already been made for him and that, was the army. Now mind you his parents didn't care which military branch he joined just that he joined one. So he decided that he would become a fighter pilot. Just like his grandpa. That and it would shut his parents up from complaining. And so William joined the army. In all honesty it was pretty fun considering it was peacetime. He got to hunt pirate scum. Got to have fun with the girls when he got home and slowly rose through the ranks. Though it started to become boring at some point. And you might think that it wouldn't be that bad but the pirates were never really a match. William always described it as him being in a fighter jet fighting against a biplane. At the end of the day the jet pilot would get bored at some point. But then some scientist in some backwater system discoverd some weird ancient technology, awakened it and it then started to fuck shit up in more ways than one. Damm science geeks always touching shit they shouldn't. Anyway this nomad started screwing shit up blowing up planets creating massive fleets and essentially started wrecking humanity like it was trying to beat a record. Humanity, not appreciating being blown the fuck up decided to sent its military to kill the nomad so they could get back to killing themselves like they had for centuries. William was part of one of the many fleets that was sent after it. Needles to say they got there ass beat like no one's businesses and William lost most of his body as his fighter got blown up. But due to the magical power of SCIENCE ! That, and a lot of cybernetic parts gathered together in the midst of a battle. William would continue fighting the nomad until its defeat at earth. After this William was done. He had done his part. He lost his body the sexy soldier girls and worst of all his parents were dead. Not that he practically cared since they never got along that well but still. So with his life in the military over he decided to help in his own way. He bought a small sized corvette with the necessary guns cargo space and passenger seats and started to help heal the human race in his own way. Now he has made himself to a small moon looking for a job. That and the ship kinda got shot to crap by some Shady characters. Valued possessions: The cricket: [hider=le ship] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/24/ff/0f/24ff0f2aaadf7f47b6a966bfaec46ab5.jpg[/img] [/hider] The cricket is a small corvette specialized in transporting goods and people through solar systems. It has a large cargo space and some nice personal quaters for those that William is transporting. Besides that there is a small kitchen, coffee machine ( very important) A specialized engineering section for William himself. And a sand thrower. essentially what the sand thrower does is fire a massive amount of sand or small particles grinding though materials. Essentially its a flame thrower using sand. However the ship does not have a warp drive the frame simply cannot support it. The ship right now has some holes in the hull which is essentially bad for buisness. Bertha: Bertha is a handcannon. Few rounds but they shoot with a noise that makes you think your firing an antitank rifle Big Bertha: A heavy machine gun. No that's it its just a really big machine gun. Miscellaneous: the only thing that's mentionable is that William needs a recharge once in a while or he will turn into a massive machine brick. [/hider]